10 Things Jack Hates About Clothes

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Jack's POV:

I payed crying into the tour bus couch. I just don't understand guys, even though I am one. I'm always with Alex, which I'm very happy about. He's everything to me. But the downside is I'm always third wheeling with him and his wife. Sometimes I think that he likes me better than her, but I know he wouldn't. As fair as I know he'd never even looked at a guy that way. I love spending time with him, and sometimes when we're talking and looking into each other's eyes I feel a bit of a spark, but I don't think that he feels it too. I shouldn't think like this he's straight. He's married.

I felt an arm rich my shoulder, "Hey Jack, what's wrong?" Alex asked.

I turned my head and mumbled, "You looking fucking homeless."

"So your crying over my dashing good looks," he said smirking.

I mean partially, pretty much yeah.

"Get over yourself, Gaskarth," I said smiling.

"Cheer up, buttercup," he said nuzzling me.

This mans gonna be the death of me. Just one of these days I'm gonna mess up and tell him how I feel. It'll be terrible because I'll either end up a home wrecker or a band wrecker. And I, Jack Bassam Barakat, am neither of those things. So until I can get over it I have booze and Alex's friendly affection. But for right now as my pal Brendon has sang it, being blue is better than being over. If he's still writing songs about Ryan mother fucking Ross next album he releases I'm locking them both in a room until the make up. My mind wanders, even when I have to deal with serious matters. I'm such a fuck up sometimes. Well most of the time but I've grown to live with that.

"Why are you crying?" Zack asked me.

I honestly didn't realize that I hadn't stopped. I wiped my face, which was fairly useless since it didn't seem like I was going to stop anytime soon.

I shook my head, "Nothing," I mumbled.

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't give me that shit," he said, "What's wrong? You can tell me."

"I-it's just," I began, stuttering, "I-I I'm just gonna mess everything up."

"How?" he asked.

"It's just," I said, "It's nothing."

"If you don't wanna talk it's okay," Zack said, "But when you decide that you want to, come find me."

With that he got up and left me on my pitiful state on the couch. Crying over some guy who I never had and was never going to get. I understand those posts that fangirls make on line about crying over fictional characters, probably, I really don't understand fangirls. Especially when there obsessed with books, because that would involve reading, which I don't do a lot of. I do do a lot of drinking though. I could really go for some rosé right now, and we have a stock in the fridge, so I fill a mason jar full of it and drink. I'm a very sophisticated guy, you know.  I walked into the other hang out room. The guys were sat around on the L shaped couch talking.

"I know, but I don't really like how main stream music and media is like, not so sublimely try to sell kids with sex," Rian said.

"What, we aren't selling kids sex," I sad from the door way, "That's what I signed up for."

The rolled their eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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