Chapter 2

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"Peyton get up!" an unfamiliar voice shouted through my door.

"Mmmh," I said throwing a pillow at the door. " Why?"

"Uhh, how about you have school and you're gonna be late if you don't get up. That's why,"

"I don't care, I wanna sleep,"

"Look bitch I don't care what you want, so get the hell up, get dressed, do whatever you have to do and be down in the kitchen in 15 minutes or my mom will whoop my ass."

I looked up at this mystery voice to see the hottest boy I've ever seen in, like, my whole entire life.

"Um, who are you?" I asked trying not to sound rude.

"Oh I'm River, anyway get up, Willis," he said.

"Willis?" I asked cautiously.

"Your new nickname babe," he said with a wink. He left my room and I got up and got dressed. I put on a tank top and a pair of shorts and my Tom's. I straightened my hair and applied a light coat of make-up. I brushed my teeth, grabbed my backpack and made my way downstairs.

"Ahh!" I ran into something rock hard and fell onto the floor.

"Just can't keep your eyes or hands off me can you Willis," I looked up and saw River smirking down at me.

"I didn't see you River, and eww why are you wet?"

"Well, Willis l just got a shower."

"Oh," I said realizing he was standing in just a towel, his perfectly toned abs shining since he was still a little wet. His fair hair hanging in clumps but it still looked sexy.

"Well if you've stopped checking me out, I'm gonna leave now." He said walking away.

"I wasn't checking you out,"

"Keep telling yourself that Willis."

"Morning Peyton," Jill said with a smile.


"Sleep well dear?" she asked.

"Yeah fine thanks"

"That's good"

"Hey mom you didn't see my-" said a boy standing in just a pair of boxers stared at me. "Uh, it's ok." He said walking away shaking his head.

The same boy walked into the kitchen 5 minutes (wearing clothes this time) and introduced himself to me.

"Hi I'm Matt." He said

"Peyton," I replied.

"Nice to meet you." He seemed nice.

2 minutes later another boy walked into the kitchen.

"Hey I'm Cole," he was identical to Matt.

"Peyton, you guys are twins right?" I said pointing between Matt and him.

"Yeah!" they said at the same time.

Reece walked in 5 minutes later.

"Hey Peyton."

"Hey Reece,"

Then in came River. Jeez this place is like a circus, actually more like a car park, every 5 seconds a new one comes in.

Then came Nash.

"Hey I'm Nash," he said.

"Hey I'm Peyton." I said.

I swear all these guys are like Abercrombie models!

Then in came Miles. He was 3 and a little cutie.

"Hi Peyton," he said.

"Hi Miles,"

"I like you," he said before spilling orange juice all over me.

"Sorry," he said sadly.

"Its ok, I'll just go change.

"I'll help if you want," River said with a smirk.

Perv. " Uh no thanks I can do it myself."

He just laughed.

I quickly ran upstairs and changed my shorts and my tank top and ran out the door into Nash 's car.

"Finally." River said annoyed.

"For a you being a boy you sure do act like a girl moaning all the time." Nash said.

I laughed.

"No joke we've only been waiting 2 minutes and he was sitting there all like 'what's taking her so long,' 'where is she,' 'what's she doing,' " He said in a high pitched voice mocking River.

"Shut up and drive!" River said angrily slapping Nash on the back of the head.

"Ok, I'm going, I'm going, calm down man." Nash said back laughing.

We got to school and Nash brought me to reception and I got my schedule. My first class was History.

"Unfortunately I don't have any classes with you, but I'll see you at lunch, oh by the way History's that way." Nash said

"Oh right thanks see you later." I said changing direction.

I opened the door to History.

"Hi there, you must be Peyton Summers am I correct?" a small bald fat man asked.


"Good, I'm Mr Hillcock," he turned around to the rest of the class. " We have a new student, class, meet Peyton Summers." He said to all of them. They all stopped chatting, stared at me and then went back to chatting. He turned back to me. "Take a seat wherever there's a spare one."

I opted for a table with no one sitting at it at all. I sat down and got out my pencil case and notebook.

The door opened and who should enter but Mr River Smith himself.

"Nice of you to join us Mr Smith," said Mr Hillcock.

"My pleasure sir." He said back.

"Hey babe this seat free?" he said in my ear sending shivers down my spine. Everyone in the class turned to look at us. Whispers started. 'whys he sitting with her.' 'look at her'.

"No, uh, there's actually someone sitting there they've just gone to the..uh..the.. bathroom, yes they've gone to the bathroom." I stuttered back.

"Too bad, I'm sitting here. Babe." He said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine."



"What's that mean?" I said pointing at the board.

"Well Willis, I dunno, You should be paying attention." He said back. what a douche.

"Thanks for the help,"

"Anytime Willis," he said winking.

Lunch finally came and I found myself sitting alone looking for Nash.

"Looking for me?" River said sitting down next to me.

"No, Nash actually. And who said you could sit down?"


And that's how the conversation went.

This was gonna be a fun lunch for sure.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2014 ⏰

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