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It's hard when your back's against the wall
And if you got an order keep your feet up on the floor
That's why I thank the Lord when I wake up in the morn'
'Cause through him you can see every reason I was born
You can see the power when the mic is in my palm
When I storm across the room, hit the stage and perform
Word is bond, don't be alarmed
Don't let me have to sound a horn, and drop a bomb
Want to get my mom a crib, with a lawn
Something that my future kids, can run up on
That's why I always do my best to carry on

Joey rapped in the booth with his eyes shut feeling the beat and his words. I watched and listened intently to the way his voice flowed with the beat. I sat back in my chair and and smiled as I watched how he used his hands to gesture while he rapped.

He finished his verse and walked out of the booth.

"I think that one was it," I told him, referring to the verse he just recorded.

"I do too," he agreed.

We high fived and Joey sat down in the chair next to me.

"So I was thinking," Joey faced his chair towards mine. "Since the club didn't really go well, I wanted to take you somewhere to make up for it, like a uh, redo-date".

I raised an eyebrow at him, "So the club was a date?" I questioned.

Joey shrugged and spinned in his chair.

I laughed. "Ok sounds good," I smiled at him.

"Great, so like tomorrow night?" He asked.

"Yep that works," I nodded.

We started to walk out of the studio.

"So will we be going to B.B.'s again?" I questioned.

Joey shook his head, "Naw".

"Then... where to?" I questioned.

"I think I want it to be a surprise," Joey said.

"Well you at least have to clue me in on what kind of setting so I know how to dress," I pressed.

"Just wear whatever you feel pretty in," Joey replied, as he closed the door to the studio.

I gave him a look. "Joeeeey".

"Fine, fine," he chuckled. "You should dress pretty formal."


My good friends from high school, Amanda, Nicki, Teagan, and I decided that at 5pm my time on the 14th (today), we would FaceTime and catch up.

"I saw the video of you performing at The Metropolitan Room on instagram," Nicki said. The other girls agreed.

"Did I look nervous?" I asked.

"No," Teagan replied, "you always look poised and confident." She assured me.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"Were you nervous? Cus I couldn't tell," Amanda asked.

"I was soooooo nervous," I exaggerated. "There were so many famous people that I wanted to impress."

"Like who?" Nicki asked.

"Like J. Cole, and Ari, and J.I.D, and oh, all the Pro Era boys were there,"

The girls smiled at me, knowing how big of a Pro Era fan I was. "Did you talk to them?" Amanda questioned.

"Actually I did, they asked me to be on a hook for a song they're working on, we went to the studio like the next day to work on it and then- OMG THE CRAZIEST THING HAPPENED."

"What?" They all asked, concerned.

"You have to swear this won't get back to my parents," I said sternly. They nodded.

"So the Pro Era boys invited me to this club called B.B King's, Joey Badass had a meeting with the manager of the club, and they were just going to hang out there while he was in the meeting."

They nodded their heads and followed my story as I filled them in on what happened at the club.

"You really don't remember what happened?" Amanda asked.

"I remember bits and pieces, I do remember trying to dance with Joey," I said.

"What do you mean by dance?" Teagan asked. The girls nodded their heads, signifying they were thinking the same thing.

"I don't know, I don't exactly remember, but I don't think it was classy," I explained.

The girls giggled.

"Anyways," I continued, "they made like this official police report and everything and then Joey took me home, but all I remember is waking up, and then Joey told me what happened."

"Where is this boy? I want to make sure he's treating you right," Amanda announced.

I laughed and shook my head. "He has been super respectful to me. He could've taken advantage of me last night and he didn't, he literally protected me last night."

"Aweeeee, someone likes Joeyyyy," Teagan teased.

I smiled and closed me eyes. I bit my lip thinking about him. "You guys have no idea."

The girls looked at each other and laughed.

"He asked me out for tomorrow, he said to make up for what happened at the club."

"Ooooooooo," they all said in unison.

"So are you guys a thing?" Nicki asked.

"I don't know yet, he's been super flirty ever since I met him, like he stays focused while we work on music, and then outside of work, he like flirts and knows exactly how to make me weak in the knees and breathless. So I mean I think he's interested at least."

"What does he do to make you weak?" Amanda asked, moving her eyebrows up and down.

"It's crazy, he's literally barely touches me," I explained, "but I get butterflies every time I think about him. All he does is whisper things in my ear and touch my face, and I literally can't stand."

"Well you're going to have to tell us how that date goes," says Nicki.

"Yeah and don't buy any drinks!" Teagan added.

I laughed. "Apparently Joey had to fight me off of him all night. Who knows what would've happened if I was actually on a date with him and I got drunk," I shook my head.

"Girl, you want it bad, don't you?" Nicki laughed.

Everyone giggled. "Alright, I have to go get ready for bed," I concluded.

"Ok. Have good dreams about Joey," Amanda teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Ok, bye."

We said our goodbyes and then I get ready for bed. I smiled to myself every now and then when I thought about Joey. I thought about how my spine tingles at his slightest touch. How his smile makes me blush. And how when he whispers in my ear, I almost faint.

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