🚨The Two of Us🚨

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Rings of the phone echoed inside the room. Takumi eyes the glowing gadget, anxiously waiting for something. The time shifts once again and it only made him more uneasy. He whimpers when the operating system replied. The omega pulls his legs up the couch and hugged himself.

"Stupid Souma..." he mutters.

It's been a month since his mate left for France to aid his self-proclaimed master. Takumi had been reluctant but it's not like he can stop Souma. Stubborn Alpha. Souma is a great mate though, Takumi is pretty sure the other had been thinking twice and would have stayed if Takumi didn't encourage him, albeit feeling hesitant himself. The alpha would call him every morning and night at exactly 7:00 but it's already pass 19:30 and no sighs of contact. 

"I'll eat dinner then," the blonde stood up and made his way to the kitchen.

He didn't have the apettite to eat something he normally makes so he'll just go with a simple pasta and rum cake. Just when he was making the sauce, the home phone rang. Takumi lowered the heat and went to get the phone on the wall.


The blonde dropped the spoon and gripped the phone. He shook and he nearly cried. He bit his lip and cleared his throat.

"Yes?" He cursed himself for that squeak.

"What's wrong?"

Takumi tenderly smiled at the gentleness in his mate's tone. He wanted to beg for his alpha to be there and hold him, but thankfully his pride stopped him.

"Takumi, what's wrong?"

The omega shook his head and smiled. "No-- it's just that... you... you didn't call."

He can hear the other fumble and curses on the other line. He chuckles. "Oh-- shi!-- Takumi, I'm sorry. I didn't... it's just... my client was holding me up and--!"

"Souma," he calls. The stuttering stopped and Takumi sighs again.

"I'm sorry."

The omega hums. He rounded back to his station and went to get the sauce. "It's okay... I'm good."

"Takumi..." Souma's heart clenched at the thought of his mate alone in their home with no protection what so ever. "What color?"

Takumi's blue eyes widen and he nearly dropped the pan. He stuttered and whined. "Y-yellow."

Souma grunts. He whined and Takumi wants to snuggle in his arms. "Takumi... hey, do you want to talk?"

Takumi knows that he's only lightening up the mood. He laughs at the other's eagerness. Takumi shoulders the phone as he pours sauce over the pasta and takes out the chiffon to cool it down.

"Have you eaten?"

Souma laughs. "Barely eating actually," he answers.

Takumi frowns. "You're not skipping are you?"

"No," was the answer. "I'm eating octupus now."

Takumi rolls his eyes. He can imagine him grinning with a tentacle between his teeth. Takumi fridged the cake and prepared his own plate.

"What about you?"

"I'm going to eat right now."

"Oh? Then should I call you later?"



"When are you coming home?"

One-Shot Collection (Souma x Takumi)Where stories live. Discover now