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Once you join.. You think its the best thing ever. You found an escape from the terrible world we live in. You find books for free that you can read. Your favorite characters and even ones you make up in your head. You bring your own world to life. You write stories yourself people read those stories and tell you how amazing of a writer you are. Again you think this is just the escape you have been looking for. Well its not cause you have entered a world of lies, hate, fake, relationships endless lies, death, suicide, friends, followers, unfollowers, frenemies, love. You find it all the one day you will just sit and did this happen? Why did this happen? Do I deserve this? You will delete your account. Make it again realizing how much your missing out on. Wanting to see how your "friends" are doing...if they're ok. You never want to leave or sleep thinking what if I leave and something bad happens? I have to always be here...for him...for her....for them. What if they decide to come back and be with me?

This is the new world...the one you carry with yourself the one where you can be anyone you want..this isn't just a virtual game. Its our virtual life.

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