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"Step on the glass, staple your tongue.
Bury a friend, try to wake up. Cannibal
class, killing the son. Bury a friend,
I wanna end me."

—Bury A Friend (Billie)

The snap of a twig was heard, startling the rebellious couple who had managed to slip out of their school's bonfire and into the woods

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The snap of a twig was heard, startling the rebellious couple who had managed to slip out of their school's bonfire and into the woods. Their eyes roamed around, searching between the trees and bushes for any sign of danger. They walked closer to where the noise seemed to have come from, pushing a tree branch away as the silhouette of a man became a little more visible to the teenagers. The curious pair moved a little closer, stopping when the man's features were clear, the moonlight bouncing off his golden orbs as he gave them a somewhat intrigued look.

"Hey dude? Not to be rude or anything, but it's kinda creepy that you're out here in the middle of the night on your own.." The girl's voice broke the silence as she gave a small, yet nervous smile. This man was a stranger, and they both made sure to keep their distance. A quiet chuckle was heard as the mysterious man stood up from the crouching position that he was previously in, "You're one to talk. Both of you are out here all on your own, Love." The man's voice had a small rasp to it, his old british accent seemed to be seeping through the words as he spoke. He tilted his head a little, waiting to see what the young couple had to say for themselves.

"It's Mystic Falls, nothing bad ever happens here." Reasoned the girl, clinging onto her boyfriend's arm as if it were her life line. The man seemed to find her words beyond hilarious, he doubled over in laughter, even wiping metaphorical tears off his cheeks as he took a deep breath, attempting to stop himself from laughing. "Oh sweetheart, that is simply due to the fact that i just arrived." He whispered, a sadistic grin making its way onto his features as the boyfriend doubled over, suddenly screaming out in pain. The girl had a confused look painted all over her features as she crouched down next to her significant other, "Oh my God, oh my God- What's happening? What are you doing to him? Stop it! Please stop it!!" She yelled at the strange man who seemed to be amused by all of this. "Oh... Did I fail to mention that i'm a thousand year old Witch? Maybe Werewolf? Vampire? Ugh... my bad, really, must've slipped my mind." Before the female had anytime to process what she was told, the dark haired male pounced onto her, veins prodding beneath his eyes as his fangs elongated. At that, the girl screamed in fear, alas, her screams were silenced soon enough as the stranger sunk his fangs into her neck, making sure to get every single drop of blood before pulling back and letting go of her body, allowing it to limply fall onto the ground, her skin looking sickly pale, her eyes wide open with fear radiating off of them.

The male was now covered in blood, the girl's blood to be precise. He looked over at the guy who was still doubled over in pain, licking his lips and humming as the male simultaneously stopped crying out in pain, finally standing up straight and looking over at his girlfriend's dead body, clearly mortified. "Run, run and don't look back." The stranger spoke, his voice sounding calm, too calm, but the other man didn't hesitate, immediately taking off in the other direction, quite literally running for his life. Of course, the tribrid wasn't going to let him get away. It was all a part of his game, he enjoyed the hunt; just like any true ripper would.

The traumatised man was fumbling through the branches, trying to outrun the horrors he had just witnessed, only to bump into something firm. He hesitantly looked up, and he was met with a pair of glowing amber orbs with a red tint to them. They looked familiar, for he had just ran away from the guy who owned them. "Pickaboo. Now you see me-" The male cut himself off, shoving his hand into the guy's chest and wrapping his fingers around his heart, squeezing it a little to slow down the blood flow before yanking it out, letting the other man's body crumbling at his feet as he soon let go of the heart, "Now you don't."

The man had just murdered two people in cold blood, and what was the first thing he did? he slipped his blood-covered hand into his back pocket, pulling out a piece of paper and a pen, quickly scribbling a few words onto it. He then crouched down and placed the paper on the dead man's exposed heart, applying a little pressure onto it so it would stick to the organ, "Hello, I deeply apologise for this mess, there is another one a few feet away, make sure to find her before the body starts rotting. You are very welcome for the help. -Love, Mieczyslaw Mikaelson."

(A/N) hello, lovelies!! as you can all see, i'm back with my original story. i'm just going to be writing it a little differently this time— scratch that, a lot differently. i'll be trying to update it at least once a week, and once again, ideas, requests, criticism, and constructive feedback will all be very much appreciated. thank you!

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