Franken Stein: The Demon Barber of Death Street

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Oh hai! So I'm new to this whole wattpad experience but I've been a pretty avid fanfiction person so I'm excited to join this commutinty. This story is a mix of Soul Eater and Sweeny Todd, I'm excited to see what you dudes think.


Disclaimer: I don't own Soul Eater or Sweeney Todd.

The boughs of the ship creaked as the wind tore through the billowing sails. Waves crashed against the wooden vessel as a sliver of moon peeked behind the iridescent clouds. The sun would be rising soon. The only lights were the twinkling stars and in the distance, oil lamps made tiny beacons along the sleepy city shore, at the helm of the mighty ship stood a silver haired man smoking a freshly rolled cigarette.

Smoke swirled around the man's head, as he stared at the city with a blank expression. He sat silently pondering the dead city. Recognition colored his steely blue eyes and a smirk pulled at his lips.

"London is definitely the coolest place on earth." A voice smirked behind the man, pulling his attention away from the horizon. The silver haired man raised an eyebrow at the younger man.

"There's no place like it," the white haired sailor marveled.

For the first time the silver hair man smirked, "Yes, there is no place quite like London. No place filled with all the worthless shit of the universe. No place filled with quite this much madness and insanity."

The man's expression had transformed from its lazy smirk to a full-blown grin, his eyes dancing with mirth and anger.

"Hey, are you alright Stein?" The albino sailor frowned, moving to face the older man.

As fast as the insane grin had appeared, it disappeared just as quickly. The man's face remained neutral, staring at the waves completely ignoring the younger man's question.

As the ship docked, Stein slinked off the ship making sure to take his time before stepping on the cobblestone street. His face held a haunted expression and his body itched for another cigarette. Turning he searched for the man from earlier. The shock of white hair pinpointed the boy. Pushing his way through the dissipating crowd, he made his way over to the boy.

When he had gotten the white haired boys attention, he turned to stare down an empty alley, obviously uncomfortable with the situation. "I want to thank you, Soul. If it hadn't been for you I would still be lost at sea." He stated refusing to meet Soul's crimson eyes.

"Would it be cool if I come find you?" Soul asked as he slouched against a brick wall.

"You can find me if you want. I'll be on Death Street."

"Well, see ya later," Soul grinned extending his hand towards Stein. However Stein was in his own world, no longer did his mind worry about dumb pleasantries and social etiquette. It had taken a turn into the madness. His earlier grin spread across his face, if you got close enough you would hear the mutterings of a mad man.

The eccentric man wandered the stone alleys passing the prostitutes that lounged in the abandoned buildings, the homeless acting like rats scurrying to the corners, and little urchins sneaking about looking for an open pocket. Stein kept to himself, following the ghosts of the past. It was a haunting experience making his way to Death Street.

Stein stood at the corner staring up at the familiar building; he cringed at the poor up keep. His eyes scanned the street as he frowned; this had once been a booming part of the city. Even in the early hours, it had been bustling with life, now scraggly hounds wondered the streets searching for food, and the shops remained dark. Scanning the cracked and worn sign, he sighed before entering the shop.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2014 ⏰

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