Chapter 2

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I walked into the room of the headmaster curios yet terrified of what he wants to talk to me about. Many options run through my head.
"Randele how are you? Come in." I slowly walk in, nervous. " Hello headmaster. I'm well, and you? " I ask. " I'm sorry but we have to let you go, you've been horrible company and your work had done nothing for you"
" What! What do you mean?!?"
"Good bye Randele. You've been very helpful."
I shook my head. That would never happen. Would it? Slowly I walked closer to the headmaster who's back was turned from me deep in thought. I cleared my throat.

"Excuse me? Headmaster you needed me?" I slowly say. " Oh Randele come here; there is someone you must meet." I look behind the headmaster and a woman was standing there.
     She was young and very beautiful. However she looked as if she wanted to strangle me. She was a human with smooth dark skin and brown hair that was so curly it looked like cloud. A scar from cheek to jaw showed that's she's been inside a fight. One thing that I couldn't look away from was her eyes. They were green but glowed almost. They were stunning. She had a quiver of arrows on her back with an oak bow and a sword at her side. She was intimidating and beautiful. " Is this him headmaster?" She says skeptically. I look at her and glare.
     "Yes this is him. Randele meet Skyla." I put my hand out to greet her, the girl Skyla gives me a look and turns away. I put my hand down in defeat." Headmaster are you sure this is him? He doesn't look like he can do much."
     "I can do lots of things. I've been practicing magic and swordmanship here since I was a child!" I say, angry that she thinks she can just look at me and think I'm a weakling. I'm giant compared to her I should be intimidating. "Sorry-" she says sarcasticly "-you just seem so clueless. Do you even know what you're going to be up against?" I look at her, confused at what she said. "You don't know?" She says surprised. " What am I supposed to know?" I ask. "Headmaster why hasn't he been told!? This is important information!"
     " I'm sorry Skyla he wasn't ready to learn about it until now." The headmaster says sullenly. "What was I not-" I try to say but Skyla interrupts me. "Headmaster this is insane! We're going to leave tomorrow and this bumhead has no idea what to do. Does he have speeches prepare to talk to the leaders of the two sides at all?!"
"He will be prepared do not worry I have faith and the Gods tell me he will be fine." They bickered back and forth while I tried to say something. Eventually I became irritated. I walked I to the middle of them almost running over Skyla in the process and faced the Headmaster. "Headmaster what am I suppose to do" I say calmly aside from my irritation.
   The headmaster sighed.   "Randele you have been chosen by the Gods to save
Argonda. Our world."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2017 ⏰

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