We begin

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I hope Annabeth don't think that me and her can take on two of the most powerful villains of all time.

We need some depth behind this quest, plus we didn't even let Chiron know about it yet. We thought keeping Gaea asleep will seal her fate, boy were we wrong. Thinking stabbing her in the chest with a sword will kill her was our biggest mistake yet. Seven of us couldn't kill Gaea, and to think two of us can stop her and the Titan Lord. We couldn't give up hope yet, I will personally kill Gaea.

I went and told Annabeth about tagging along a few friends for the quest, she was reluctant at first and then agreed. She did say that we should both suggest one person, first person that popped in my head was Leo. I went to the Hephaestus cabin where he was working on Festus.

"What's up captain Grace, what you been up to ?" Said Leo .

"Ah nothing just a quest to go and defeat Gaea and Kronos, you know the usual," I responded.

He dropped his tools and looked at me funny, then started cracking up laughing. He was holding his stomach on the floor rolling. I expected him to respond this way, after all I walked in and said Gaea is still alive after last summer. As he slowed down my expression straightened up.

"Jason sometimes your humor is a killer," he said as he still giggled.

I responded by," When have you known me to be the type to come in the room and tell joke ?"

His expression also straightened once I said that. He had all different types of emotions running through his body right now. "But what about Piper, we can't just abandon that mission and move on to the next. She's your girlfriend and my bestfriend, us three are like a family and you just abandon us ?" Leo said.

"Leo as much as I don't want to do this, I have to," I said.

"Why ?" Leo asked demand fully. He was becoming more angry and aggressive by the second. His hands were even catching fire now and he balled his fist.

"Because it's a job that a higher authority then me sent me out to do, Piper is my personnel problem but I was sent on mission to do this so I obey, it's my duty." I told him.

"So what now, your the camps little puppet. The golden boy, Zeus's little untouchable boy, I remember when you use to go war for Piper, thick and thin man. You changed, your not that same Jason Grace that I knew befor, that same person who freed Hera from her cage and took on two friggin giants by hiself, the same person who destroyed Krios with his bare hands, same person who slew the Trojan sea monster, Mr. Praetor of the first legion, the FIRST legion, the same person who toppled the black throne of Kronos, the same person who destroyed Porphyrion and fed him to his own wolves."

I was furious now, how dare he tell me what I done in my life and tell me what I have to do. He was nobody higher then me and he was nobody to say what quest I'm going to go on and who I'm going to save. I had to keep it in doe, he didn't know Piper was dead and as bad as this is going, it's better then him knowing.

"Listen you little prick, you do not tell me what quest I go on, you do not tell me who I save, and you definitely don't tell me what I accomplished because all those accomplishments you just named is more then you ever accomplished in your life, most of those things I did was for you, or for Piper, I've spent so much time for you why don't Jason ever get to do what he wants to do, I've listen to everything you said, what the hell kind of friend are you, this is my time ! I'm the most powerful demigod of this generation or any other ! I've always been the nice person, the quiet one, the one that people are just like, ( oh Jason, yeah him) with no respect that I'm son of Jupiter one of the three most powerful demigods of the century ! Starting today I'm the new Jason, I'm going to show people who doubted me that I'm capable of many things, and it starts with Percy Jackson !" I let it all out.

It took me a few minutes just to catch my breath, Leo looked so shocked. I saw my he and completely sparking up. I didn't try to cool down, I sent a bolt right through Leo's chest. He flew back against the wall and fell. A couple campers came running forwards the Hephaestus cabin and I did the same to them, and then Annabeth came running towards me," Jason calm down, let's talk." She said.

"I'm done talking, now Annabeth stand down I don't want to hurt you, join me we'll find Percy, I promise" I said.

Annabeth paused before she grabbed her training sword, it seems like this is what she wants and I knew it was. "You know Percy is out there, I know you do. I can see it right through your eyes, you believe more them anyone else," I said again." This is our last chance to save him before it's too late, it was to late for Piper, but not for him." I also said.

"J-Jason I'm sorry but I can't, Percy can be saved another way," she said as she pulled out her sword.

"Annabeth, I'm sorry," I said as I sent 10,000 volts right through her. I cocked my arm for another one when a bolt it's self hit me. I flew back about ten feet to the ground. I looked up in time to see my own sister, Thalia. She grabbed my shirt and took us up to the air and started punching me in the face.

"You want to turn sides, too bad not while on my watch, I won't sit here and watch you turn into another Luke ," she said. She then dropped me from mid-air, two seconds later everything blacked out.



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