Chapter 4

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"Ah, you must be Master Richard. Master Bruce has told me so much about you. My name is Alfred, and I hope you will be most comfortable here." He moved to the side so that Dick could cautiously enter the house. He looked around and explored, finding new and exciting hiding places wherever he went. He learned to avoid the creaky floorboards that he could remember after a few hours, and then Alfred was calling him for dinner.

The picture faded out, and left the team in silence once more.


The screen gave them no time to react, changing and showing a warehouse. There were horrid screams coming from inside. It was always a warehouse, wasn't it? The screen zoomed until they were seeing a man with a half-scarred face, and a boy who looked like a young Robin writhing on the floor in pain. He was bound by chains, as he had gotten out of the ropes earlier. Batman and a civilian were hanging upside down over a giant pool of water. Batman looked to be silently fuming, giving the villain a DaddyBats glare. Even thought they weren't the targets of the glare, the team still shuddered. The DaddyBats glare was even scarier than the Batglare, which they had been on the receiving end of several times.

"Ooooohh, how I love the sound of your screams, Robin." The villain shuddered in apparent pleasure. He lifted the crowbar again, and brought it down, again, and again, and again. 

Batman was shaking with anger, and strained against his bonds. He was also bound in chains- Two-Face wasn't as dumb as some people gave him credit for. The chains creaked and groaned, then snapped.

Two-Face looked toward Batman in fear and surprise. Said hero launched himself at the villain in a fit of blind rage. It wasn't much of a fight, as all Batman had to do was tackle and beat the criminal to a bloody pulp.

A small whimper was heard from Robin, who wasn't even recognizable at this point. Blood stained his remaining teeth pink, and he looked like he had bathed in his own blood. His uniform was torn, the skin underneath bruised and bloody, and he even had a bone protruding from his arm. Add all this to the fact that he was laying in a pool of the life-giving substance, and he was a sore sight. 

"Robin..." Batman sounded heartbroken. He picked up his son and headed towards the waiting 'Batmobile', as Dick had dubbed it one day. The little bird was set down as gently as humanly possible, and then the pair was off towards the Batcave, where Alfred and Leslie were waiting.

The screen fizzled, leaving the team's gaping maws, except Robin, who had kinda been there.

Ohh, I am soooooo sorry I haven't been updating in the last...... 2 months? *dodges thrown book*, I know you guys might be angry, but I'm going to update my other stories soon. "No More Nightwing" might take a little longer, though, cause with that one I'm kinda between a rock and a hard place. Also, before I forget, if any of you have ideas for one-shots involving the Batfam, they would be greatly appreciated. I just won't write inappropriate stuff ;), fluff, angst, all good, just NOTHING INAPPROPRIATE. OK? OK. till next time then.

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