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Why do you have to go away?
Why does the hero always save the day?
Why are the years swiftly flying by?
Why did Aunt Lil just have to die?
Why do the colors gleam so bright?
Why do we have to say goodnight?
Why does happiness come and go?
Why so many questions?
Answers I may never know?
Why do my parents have to grow old?
Why do some stories go untold?
Why do the clouds pass us by?
Why is it impossible for me to fly?
Why are there places I will never go?
Why are there poems I cannot show?
Why am I, oh so young?
Why do some songs, go unsung?
Why do the stars shine so bright?
Why do these words not take flight?

Why am I happy?
Why am I sad?
Why are there words like angry and mad?
Why don't I just feel bad?
Why do we feel a rush?
Why do we feel a hush?
When the sun says goodbye.
Why do we cry?
Why don't we fly?
Free as birds.
Why so much time on this earth?
Time to live and die,
Time to love and hurt and lie,
Feeling alone on the earth.
Why don't we collapse from thinking such thoughts?
And why do they haunt us so?
Why are there answers,
To the ways of the world,
That I may never know?
Because it is so?

Why is sugar so sweet?
When do true loves meet?
Why are we doomed to stay on our feet?
With our heads so high in the clouds.
Why are people sad?
Why are people bad?
Does good and bad even exist?
Or do things always have to twist,
From perspective to perspective?
Why are there softs and louds?
Why is life so weird?
Why have people disappeared?
Like they have been lifted into the clouds.
I am a girl who questions her sanity.
Like so many other lost teens.
I am a girl who learns and gleans
Lessons from her life.
I am a girl who is helped through strife,
By a force unknown to herself,
The force that writes the poems.

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