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Grandma Maggie's pov:

I need to get Devyn to Mikey. I never told her but i have really bad cancer. The doctors said i might not make it. I start my chemo today and i end her to be with Mikey.

I need to tell Mikey. Ill call him.

M: " hello who's this?"

GM: " hello Mikey this is Maggie, I'm here to tell you that i need you to adopt Devyn as fast as possible."

M: "why? She doesn't even want me back?"

GM: "i have cancer, and the doctors say i might not make it."

M: "I'll try to but I'm not sure she'll want me back in her life after what i have done to her. But ill do it."

GM: great thank you Mikey it means a lot, and please take care of her. Oh and before i forget you need to know what she needs."

M: "okay.."

GM: "well she has depression and she takes anti-depressants, she also has ADD and ADHD, so she also takes pills for that, she has a history of self harm, that's why i took her out of school and made her start online school and that's why she graduated early. If she ever forgets to take her pills call me and I'll make sure she takes them okay. And thank you again, for this Mikey."

M: " you're welcome Maggie. Goodbye."

GM: "bye"

Now to tell Devyn, she'll be so upset, but its for the best.


Devyns pov:

The next morning i woke feeling like poop, but that's not stoping me. Because me, frank, and his girlfriend Erykah are going to IHOP. We kinda woke up at around 10:00. Right now I'm getting ready, as I'm getting ready i notice i don't have a shirt so i scream for frank.


"WHAAATTT!!" He screamed back



And with that i waited, until he knocked on the door. I zoned out for a good minute until i heard a knock on the door.

Frank handed me his shirt and i thanked him for the shirt. I put on his shirt, some black pants with red splats, and some red converse that franks girlfriend gave me last year for my birthday.

Speaking of birthdays, mine is coming up in about a month. I don't really do anything. Which is fine with me because i really don't care for it. I already have everything i wanted a family. I have m grandma, the boys, Greg, Ashley, and erykah. They're my real family to me.

When we were done frank drove us to IHOP. When we got there it wasn't as packed as i thought it would be. We got our menus, and ordered. I orders a stack of regular buttermilk pancakes with a water, Fran ordered a lumberjack plate with coffee, and erykah ordered the same thing.

I got my water and the other two got their coffee. Frank gave me my pills, that he always has with him so i wont do anything stupid.

I took them separately, because i feel weird when i take them at the same time. I'm feeling really cold and i feel like I'm gonna throw up.

I guess Erykah noticed because she gave me her sweater to wear. Frank gave me  a wired look and felt my forehead.

"Dee you feel very warm are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine just a but cold, and thanks Erykah for the sweater I'll give it ba-"

"oh its not mine it's Franks" she said laughing

"Well in that case, frank. You shall get this back in about a year."

We all started laughing, the stopped because the waiter came with our food.

I couldn't finish my pancakes, I only ate half of one because I felt like throwing up.

I ran to the restroom and into a stall, and threw up what I just ate, which wasn't a lot, but it felt like a lot.

"Devyn? Are you okay?" I heard Erykah ask

"Yeah, I think I'm getting sick." I saw while flushing the toilet. I walk out and rinse my mouth.

We walk out

I'm your dad // Mikey Way fic // ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now