the new girl

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I'm nervous
I move the floor

Yes it's because of him

I have marked it with a drop of anxiety that multiplied to thousands for thousanss of infinite reasons like the smile of the night made of stars

The rays of the sun tease me
They tickle my eyelids and
My eyes come out in response

The everyday begins within the new

I do not want
Do not

I find it hard to get used to
It's like trying to walk with your legs up
My head crawls on this floor
Trying to get it in my mind
Hoarding that space that was missing

I will never go back,ever


Yes ,it's because of him
The school

I cross my fingers
So as not to be clumsy before so many strangers


I'm the new girl.



This poem talks about what i felt when i learned that i would change schools in the last year of high school


I should not be too comfortable

Next year:

Goodbye new school
What a university!

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