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Alicia's not much for talking, and perhaps that's the reason behind her nickname – 'Listen'. She knows that sometimes keeping quiet is better than hearing the truth.

Yet when she is gifted with a Polaroid camera and a charming – albeit clumsy – boy comes literally tumbling into her life, she starts to discover that maybe staying silent isn't always the answer.

With a summer that seems endless and a camera to capture it all, Listen begins to realise that speaking up isn't always a bad thing, and that maybe she finally has a story worth telling.

But secrets can't stay hidden forever, and the memories are as fragile as the snapshots in her hands...

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Snapshots is © copyrighted to myself - Olivia Burness / livvyis. This essentially means that it cannot be reproduced without my consent, so if you see it floating around on the internet somewhere it should probably not be there. c:

dedicated to @zinszerlina for the absolutely gorgeous cover!

First chapter should be up soon, really hope you all enjoy it!

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