Chapter One: Links Awakening

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The pink sun set behind the clouds, making the sky red and orange swirls above the horizon.  White clouds tinted with pink and red and yellow, and drifted along the mountian tops. The green grass swayed in the darkening light and the flowers closed there bright eyes and prepared to sleep.

Off the land belonging to the Hyrulian people, there was a large cottage. This cozy wooden cottage belonged to Link and Zelda. A beloved couple, known by all.  They live here peacfully, and strayed away from unwanted attention. On this particular hill, They have a wide range of open meadow, with sweet grass and inviting flowers. The cottage is cozy and welcoming also. Its dark wooden walls are warm and the garden of bright flowers and flower pots sprinkle lively spots around the house. 

Link had been outside for some time now, and he sat on the hill, Staring away in the clouds... Playing his ocarania while the melody drifts far away in the soft wind. 

"Link! Link darling, It's time for dinner! Come inside, it's getting cold outside!" Zelda called from the doorway.  Link stopped his playing and stood up from the grass. "Coming, Zelda!" Link called and started walking towards the cottage. 

Link.....Link... its all over soon... Save her.. save me... Save yourself... Soon.... 

A womans voice made him stop in his tracks. "What?" He whispered. "Who are you? What's your name? Who do I save?" But there was no answer. He ran back into the house.

"Zelda! Zelda, it happened again!" Zelda was in the kitchen and turned to face him. "What has happened?" She asked quietly. "Those voices! the woman! she keeps tallking to me!" Zelda dropped a dish and it shattered onto the floor. Her eyes widened and she put a hand to her head. "Again? the same message?"

Link panted and walked over to her, avoiding glass. "Yes. Same voice, same message." Zelda griped around Links neck as he lifted her away from the glass. "Link, this is bad. This can't be a good sign." Link set her down, hands still at her waist. "How? Whats wrong with hearing voices?" Zelda sighed, and contined. "Well, I mean, it's bad because... You shouldn't keep getting a warning. That is bad."

Zelda and Link finished their dinner and Link cleaned up the glass. It was a restless night for both of them. The wind was unsettling, and small noises made them jump. Zelda was right, warnings over and over again could not be a good sign.  But Link was more curious than afraid.

The next day, it was warm and sunny early in the morning. Zelda always got up an hour or so before Link, and she enjoyed going for walks at the nearby creek. It was peaceful down there. It was shaded by tall trees, and the water was cool. Rocks stuck out of the water with flat surfaces, leaving it easy to walk on them. This was one of Zeldas favorite things to do. 

Zelda got up out of the king size bed Link and her shared, And started finding her clothes. She drug out an old swim suit she hadn't used in a while, and set that next to her. Then she pulled out of of her skirts and got some sandals from her closet. "This should do it," she mumbled to herself.

Fully dressed and ready to leave, she kissed Link on the forehead. "i'll be back soon," She whispered. "Down at the creek." She walked out of the bedroom door and downstairs. The meadow was lively, as usual. And the sun was very hot. The flowers shone their colors brightly, and Zelda walked down the dirt path to the rushing waters of the creek. 

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