Part 1

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A/N : Day one in writing my own novel/book in english, comment what you think could improve my text // Preox1000.

This story might seem ordinary and it might seem peculiar, that is all up to you to decide.

We can start off by saying that the story you are about to read takes place everywhere and nowhere. Let me explain, where the story takes place depends on where you want it to be, the timeline is set to a distant past or a near future depending on your imagination. So let the story begin!

This story is about a young ordinary girl... or at least she is ordinary in the eyes of others. She has yellow/gold eyes and a nuance of white as hair color. Well, maybe she stands out a bit with looks too but otherwise she seems ordinary. Actually now when I think about it I think it's better you hear the story from her so if you just stand by a bit so I can get her over here...

Hi, my name is Evie and I am the girl he previously introduced. My story begin in my school years, if i remember correctly I was around 14-15 years young and lived alone in my apartment. Why I lived alone you ask? Well when I was eight my parents died in an epidemic that killed almost 80% of the population, the ones that survived the epidemic was never to be the same again. And that's where I come in, I was one of the few hundred survivors in my city, but everything seemed to be okay until my fourteenth birthday, that's when the story really began.

On my fourteenth birthday I was alone in my apartment making some dinner, I got off school early today and it was friday so I planned on making a real feast. That was when I noticed something weird right outside my line of sight... It was a lot of numbers coming from every object in sight, I started to panic when I started to loose my sight, the numbers took up every little place in my view.

It took a few minutes before I realized what was going on, all the numbers was like a script of how everything was built up. Every little atom in for example a football was completely unique with it's own set of numbers. Some time after that I passed out...

From that day and onwards I stopped going to school, I could barely find my way around my apartment so I contacted the school and claimed I was sick and would not be back for the rest of the semester. I started to practise to get control of the numbers, such an easy thing to make them disappear and reappear took me several weeks. Well I say easy now but it certainly was not that easy back then, to be honest I didn't even know what to do the first week. I tried everything I could ever imagine and some exercises actually worked but only for a couple of seconds, it wasn't until the third week that I finally found that technique that I am using to this very day. Now that I think about it it was not even that unrealistic to begin with, I mean my issue was the numbers and all I had to do was to write them down.

The more interesting part starts when the numbers are on the paper and my brain starts to work it's magic. Before I even knew it I could remember every single number in every pattern I ever seen after my fourteenth birthday. And soon after that I learned how to use my newfound memory to my benefits. I quickly learned new stuff way faster than ever before and I started to take lessons on every language. With all this new information that I learnt thanks to my new "abilities" I started to travel and gamble on different games, I mean I was well educated but I was way to lazy to waste my time on ordinary jobs. As the time went by I met a lot of different people, one of them is the guy who introduced me at the beginning of this story, another one that is important to what is going to happen next is a girl around two years older than me with blue eyes and half long brown/red hair. I met her in a library on one of the many islands in what you people would have called Greece, she was not like all the other girls I had met by this time, that is why she actually managed to be a part of my life and survive as long as she did...

Yes she died, but not that long ago... it was nine years after I first discovered the "abilities" or "powers" whatever you prefer to call them, we had been friends for around four years already and was on a trip together in the jungles of... if I remember correctly Amazonas? Anyways we had just been in a cave over the night for shelter when a giant little creature jumped out and attacked us, she jumped in front of me right before it would have killed me. She died around half an hour after the incident but her last words was
- At least I saved you... right?

I will never forget her because she is the one and only reason I am still alive today to tell the story of a lifetime.

Right after her death I decided not to endanger anyones or even my own life ever again. I moved to the same place that I am at right now, 800 years later. And according to legends I was the one reason to why what you would call humanity didn't get extinct for over 500 years ago at another epidemic and according to the so called persons that met me over the years I am the only real reason to fear life itself...

Now I sadly need to go but maybe you will see me another time, at least we can hope so!

A/N :

Plz comment what you think, first english text I have written to wattpad (originaly written on google drive). Have a nice day <3 

A story that should have been told several years ago!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя