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"Hurry oppa, you're so slow,"

"Wait for me Xyui," Liam said, the smile 6 years ago once again occurred on his face

"LIAM!" Baekhyun shouted as he sprinted towards Liam whose now about to climb off the balcony 

One minor mistake and he might be living the rest of his life on the bed

"Are you out of your mind?" Baekhyun yelled after making sure his friend is in safety

"What happened?" Bomi barged in, in panic

"Xyui," Liam muttered lifelessly as he laid on the floor, unmoving

"Bomi, get me a bucket of cold water," Baekhyun ordered

"O-okay,"Bomi said

"Liam it's been 6 years, can't you just let go of that painful memory?" Baekhyun asked

The others who rushed in stood by the door silently as they watched the scene

Seeing Liam this way pain their heart but they could do nothing to help or even reduce a tiny bit of his pain

As friends of Liam since primary, they know it damm well how much Xyui means to Liam and how much he treasures her

They witnessed how Liam grew into a cold, distance and secretive person who doesn't like to talk and how he have changed over the years

How he hated himself
How he hurt himself so he could relive some pain he felt that's stabbing into his heart
How he pushes everyone out of his world and struggles to live by himself
How he built a firm wall so he wouldn't be hurt once again
How he fake those smiles to ensure people around him
How he pretend to be strong when he isn't at all
How he acted as though it didn't matter anymore when he's crying in silent and in pain

"Liam, I begged you. Please, please let it go," Baekhyun pleaded

His eyes glowing with tears

"Xyui, oppa's coming after you," Liam muttered out as a tear slipped off the corner of his right eyes before he lost his conscious on the cold wooden floor

"Liam," Baekhyun called out worriedly as he tried to shook him

"What happened?" One of them asked as all of them rushed to the two whose by the balcony

"Cold wat-," Bomi paused as soon as she saw the scene before her

"Send him to the ambulance," Baekhyun shouted

"Ill call," Bomi said with a shaky voice as she dropped the bucket of water before scurrying to get her phone

H O S P I T A L 🏥

The 22nd time sending Liam to the hospital after the past of his sister

"Liam, please be alright," Bomi said, close to tearing up

"I really hope this is the last time for us to run along the stretcher with you sleeping peacefully with no worries towards the emergency room," One thought in his head as held onto the bars by the side of the stretcher, trying to keep up with the pace of others

"Do anything you want but don't get hurt ever again," Hanbin thought

"It's been the nth time as this scene repeats again and again ever since her leaving and I wish to end this here and never to see you on the stretcher heading towards the emergency room ever again, I'm willing to do anything in order to make this happen," Bobby thought as he stared at Liam sadly

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