Liar Liar

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Felix stared absent-mindedly at his grilled cheese sandwich, his appetite rapidly diminishing. He regretted shouting at Lexi about scratching his car. She was probably just angry at them for denying Cathy's existence. It was just a simple paint job, after all. Nothing serious.

But Lexi's behaviour over the past few weeks had been nothing short of disturbing. Getting up at midnight and babbling on about a rope, trying to break the floorboards of the playroom... Felix just didn't get it.

He decided to have a talk with Lexi.


The voice made him jump. "Yes, Lexi?"

Lexi's face was ashen, her face a chalky white. "Cathy says you and Mommy killed Trisha."

"What are you talking about?" Felix was puzzled. "Honey, Trisha's death wasn't our fault, you know that."

"You killed Trisha." Lexi repeated, like a mindless drone. For the first time, Felix noticed Lexi's normally grey eyes were blazing with a fiery hatred that wordlessly threatened to burn him alive.

"No, I didn't. Look, I'm sorry I shouted at you and all that, but-"

A dark glare from Lexi cut him off. "She hung there for a while, did you know that? About two minutes. And you could have saved her!"

"What? No, no, no. For the last time, I didn't kill Trisha!"

Lexi's face twisted into a hideous grin, a cruel parody of the angelic beam that had once flashed across her face.

She stepped behind Felix, her hands behind her back.

Disturbed, Felix turned around. "Lexi-"

His daughter already had her arms around him in a crushing embrace, a carving knife in her hand.

"Liar, liar," she mocked, and dragged her arm across his throat.

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