🎄🎅🏻🤶🏻CHRISTMAS PART 2🤶🏻🎅🏻🎄

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This Chapter may be triggering so, please don't hate and if you are familiar with depression and anorexia and you may find it triggering please don't read

Draco's P.O.V

By the time dinner came around everyone was starving. As usual, Mr. and Mrs. Zabini went over the top for everything so we ended up skipping lunch which wasn't good because it looks like Mione hasn't been eating very much she has gotten really skinny too skinny in fact. Anyway, we all piled into the large dining room to see the gorgeous room decorated head to toe with Christmas decorations and food that looked to die for.

 Anyway, we all piled into the large dining room to see the gorgeous room decorated head to toe with Christmas decorations and food that looked to die for

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" So Mione, Draco tells me you got  changed to Slytherin." My Mother asks

" Yeah, McGonagall gave me the option so I took it." she sits there sort of playing with her food causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

" Mione, can I talk to you for a minute?" I get up and Blaise kinda gives me a confused look I know he has noticed as well but he didn't want to medal

" Draco do we have to we're in the middle of dinner?" she says I think she knows what this is about but I know I need to talk to her this is serious.

" It will only take a minute." the whole table was staring at us by that point. She excuses her self politely as she gets us and walks out of the dining room and walks up the stairs I trail closely behind her.

" Mione what is wrong you haven't eaten anything in days."

" Nothings wrong Draco I've just been busy."

"Busy doing what Hanging out with friends and family." 

" No, It's just ..."

"Just what Look at you Hermione you're a stick it kills me to see you this way." I start crying looking at the tiny figure of the girl that I love in front of me as she slowly breaks down in my arms. I just said I love her I know I have been thinking it for a long time.

" Its just hard this is the first Christmas I've spent without the Grangers Without Ron I'm trying to adjust and it's harder than it looks."

" I know baby," I say as she snuggles her head against my chest her tears staining my shirt," How about we go for a walk."

" No no no we have to go back to dinner,"

" I'm sure they are fine with you missing dinner but do you want me to go ask your mum?" She nods slightly in response. We walk down the huge staircase hand in hand " Just stay here okay." she nods again. I make my way to the entrance of the dining room " Isabell is it okay if me and Mione miss dinner we want to go for a walk?"

" Of course Darling just be back before ten okay" she smiles 

" Definitely" I smile in return. The Zabini's have always been very easy going with their kids that's why I spent half of my life at this house. I walk back to Mione as we set out walking around the Grounds of the Manor. The grounds of this house were always beautiful one of the most beautiful things I have seen the only thing more beautiful was the girl walking next to me. It's amazing how in the span of a couple of months this one person has become my whole world. 

" Mione?"

" Yes, Draco?"

" This is completely out of nowhere but I bought you another present."

" Draco you shouldn't have now I feel bad."

" Well don't this present comes with a lot of baggage and commitment and I know we have only been dating for a short amount of time but I love you more than anything else in the world."

" And I love you too Draco but what is it,"

"Please keep an open mind about this Mione"

" I will just spit it out"

" From the day I first met you I knew you were special then you punched me in the face and it drove my crazy you were the first girl to stand up to me, who didn't try and win me over and that just made me want you more then the war came along and I knew I was on the wrong side I wanted nothing more to be on your side with you prove to you that I was good that I wasn't really a bad person and this was all my father but I couldn't, then when you got captured and my aunt hurt you i wanted to kick her off you and help you get out of there but I knew that it would just make things worse you would hate me coz I didnt help your friends as well. Then this year came around and all was normal I would go back to being cold heartless me and I thought that all in the world would be good but of course, nothing in our world is normal I just continued to fall for you harder and harder every day and now I don't know what I would do without you..." my speech brought tears to her eyes. this is it this could break us to the point of no return but if it goes right it means that she feels the say way as I do. I reach into the back pocket of my black jeans and grab it between my index finger and my thumb I get on one knee," Hermione Zabini Will you please make all my dreams come true and do me the honor of ..." at that moment I get interrupted by my lips softly crashing into someone else's.

"yes," she mumbles into the kiss. I smile the widest I have smiles ever in my entire life and I know that with my whole world in my arms nothing can go wrong.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________!!!!!!!!!WARNING SEXUAL CONTENT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!!! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

P.S does someone want to help me write it coz i have no idea how to

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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