Chapter 1

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Three Months Ago

I stepped out from the building with heavy heart, tears ready to fall.

I lifted my head up to keep them from falling. I am strong, before and now but the sob almost came out from my mouth wildly. I bit my tongue at that.

Home is the last place of my destination. I can't go home and let my pain to sleep, it is torture, I'd rather choose to be killed at once.

I shuddered with my own thought. No, I'm far from that, I'm strong as I reminded myself once more.

The sky is so bright. The stars are twinkling, teasing me. I glared at them in return, yet they shine more, as if they were happy.

Happy, probably that's him with his love, Zach with Scylla. My heart clenched of the thought. I'm a fool, I choose this.

My love for him is impossible, yet I choose to stay by his side for years. I knew this time will happen; everything has its end.

The coldness engulfed my system crisping the tears welled at my eyelids. I sniffed too many times that it dries my throat. I felt thirst but not for water but of strong liquid. An invention that will help me through the night.

The last time I checked, alcohol was bitter, and I don't like the taste of it, but it was like a flavored lemonade tonight. I gulped until my throat burned.

"Aaah." My reaction as I close my eyes. It tastes sweet, weird and I drink some more.


I felt bitter but I didn't find myself hating him. Why would I hate him when finally, he has her? He suffered enough and it's time for his own happiness though leaving me a miserable.

"He warned you, didn't he?" I'm talking to myself and gulped another glass. "Aaah."

The alcohol finally hits my system, I'm swaying as I stand up.

"Woops, Stella be careful! hik..." More talking to myself, eh?

I decided it is enough, enough for me to put to sleep. I am holding my last shot when I swayed and spilled my drink. Not on the floor, but on a man's suit?

Moly! He was pissed!

I don't want any additional trouble aside from my state, so I better compensate.

"Look, Mr. I'm sorry, I wet your shirt!" I said, and almost giggled because of his reaction.

He was wiping his suit hard, and I find it cute that it tickles me.

Drunk alert!

He looked at me, but I'm not really focusing at him. I saw doubled to be exact.

"I can buy you a drink, if you want?" I offered. I licked and bit my lips on the process, unaware.

I didn't wait for his reply. The early I can compensate, the earlier I can leave.

"A drink, please. hik..." I shouted to the bartender still holding his wrist.

I did not give him a choice as my order arrived, but he didn't touch it. I can say, he was staring at me.

He thinks, you are crazy!

"Mister, please accept this as my compensation of wetting your suit." I said drunkenly.

"You're still holding my wrist, lady." He said that snapped my attention to his and I looked at his face. This time, more focused to make out his feature.

Only, I am seeing Zach. My eyes began to water. The man clearly surprised by my crying.

"Woman and alcohol." He muttered.

One Starry NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora