I Need You To Come Here Right Now!!!

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..."I'm a not sure Darell this is a big ask we could probably die because of this" the there was a big pause "cmon David please I want to do something in my life. I am tired of just being a nobody people at school don't even notice that we are there, we are just like totally strangers, cmon what do you say?" "Fine but I am not going because of that inspiring speech you just gave me there, I am going because I am bored and I have nothing better to do"

I was so happy right now we are Finally going to do something interesting in our life's "oh ya and Darell" said David "ya" "who is going to go with us, beside we can't find the thousands of dollars just with the two of us" "that is right but who are we going to bring there is no one around this today?" " well I actually have five of my cousins staying over today,so how about I bring them" when them words came out of his mouth I was so happy because I actually just thought it was only hong to be just the two of us "yes of course bring them, so when should you get over here?" "When ever you want how about ten to twenty minutes" "ya ok that suits me" "ok, see ya" then he hung up.

I slowly looked over at the book self again and got all cramps in my stomach "this is actually happening" I say to myself

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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