A sweet note for you Bae.

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Dear prateeksha, Backbenchboys

Its weird how life is, isn't it? It gets hard. But we get over it. When it's easy we start doubting ourselves.

I never talked to you nor met you. But what Jess told me tells alot about you.
You're the kind of person who never gives up. Who is strong enough to fight. Who knows whats right and whats wrong. Who is always there for it loved ones through thick and thins.

I would love to be your friend.
Sweetie, those precious tears falling from your precious eyes aren't
'worth that shit.

I'm not stopping you from crying. Cry. Cry as much as you can. Cry until you start laughing. Cry until the part that loved him breaks. Cry your heart out to heal the wounds from your tears.

But darling, ask your self, was ut worth it? You now know that this all was fake right? Why are you crying then. Keep one thing in mind forever with every step you take in life that " there are 7 billion people and 14 billion faces"

You never gave your heart away. Its still with you, safe and sound.
Because if you gave your heart away, wait. That's not possible. Right?

Now sweetie smile. And laugh and shower sass on your friends.

And dance around.

You know, he would want to see you in this state, so give him the exact opposite reaction he was expecting.

Smile. Laugh and live. And burn him without fire but with getting stronger and show him you're still stronger as ever and smiling and laughing.

You'll find someone better. Someone who'll hug you instantly by just seeing your smile gone.
Someone who would stare at you with love in his eyes and heart while you talk and laugh.

You know, loving sure does hurt. But its the only thing that i knowww. Damn i started singing again .ehem hehe. Nvm.

Now smile for me, pleaseeee? Show off your perfect teeth. *flying kiss* muaaah byeeeeee
I'll post a new letter soon.

~weirdo 👑💫

Ps. Jess wrote manyy chapters for you! She'll post them once she gets online.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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