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Ethan P.O.V.

I pause for a second and calmly say: alright okay let's go.

Elijah P.OV. Ohh Ethan got a crush Ethan got a crush I yell Shut Up! He screams it's like 11:00 people are trying to sleep idiot!  He says.

Time   Skip       To        Amy's

Still Elijah P.O.V.

I take off my shoe and throw it at Amy's bedroom window. She gets up and opens it screaming this half asleep: What the crap it's like 11:00 go home! We ran away I say. She responds not my problem she says. Can we stay over Ethan says? Fine come In the front door is unlocked but be quiet my parents might be up. (remember Elijah Ethan and Amy are all still 10) we tip toe up to Amy's room we go in and she says sleep on the floor now goodnight and she flips off the lights and flops into her bed.

The    Next    Morning.....

Ashley P.O.V.

Boys breakfast! No answer.  I thought they were just being lazy and not getting up and walked into their room they weren't in there I said boys I know you are hiding! No answer. So then I thought of something to scream that makes them stop hiding every time. I'm going to eat all of the bacon! I shout Still no answer now I'm worried.

Amy's Mom's P.O.V.

Amy breakfast she screams! Ehhh Amy responds she gets up to do her normal stuff and looks at the floor and remembers Elijah and Ethan stayed over then she is instantly awake Elijah Ethan she whisper screams get up! They wake up you have to get out of here oh right Ethan says try to sneak out without my mom noticing.

Ethan P.O.V.

Me and Elijah snuck past Amy's mom successfully. When we made it to the backdoor and when we opened it there was mom standing right there.

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