Chapter 19: The Prophecy Girl Has Returned

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When Juliana woke up, Luke stared at her.

"Why did you faint?" He asked.

"I think....I might be the Prophecy Girl," Juliana said, and everyone on the street stopped.

They all looked at her.

They all started murmuring to each other, and Juliana said, "Should I have said that?"

"Probably not," Ahsoka said, as the villangers started running at Juliana with excited looks.

The next thing she knew she was being lifted into the air, and started throwing her up and down shouting, "Hip hip, hooray! The Prophecy girl is back to save us!"

"Um....HELP?" Juliana said to Ahsoka and Luke.

"I should've mentioned they would do this..." Luke said.

"Yes, yes you SHOULD'VE." Juliana said.

"Juliana, they think you're going to lead them. You have to ask them to put you down," Ahsoka said, after thinking for a moment.

"I'll try," Juliana said as the villangers almost dropped her.

"Um....Guys? Can you please put me down?" Juliana asked, and they immediatly put her back on her feet.

"Wow. Thanks," She said.

They blushed.

"Ahsoka, I don't know what to do. These people think I'm going to lead them, but- I can't," Juliana whispered to Ahsoka. "My home is in the rebellion."

"I don't know what to do either," Ahsoka said. "I'll comm the others."

Ahsoka started walking, but immediatly stopped when she heard a voice that was way to familier.

"So, I've heard rumors the Prophecy Girl has returned." Came the voice of none other then Jabba the Hutt.

"Jabba, How are you doing?" Juliana said nervously.

Jabba saw the lightsaber on Juliana's belt, and went wide eyed.

"And you brought your Jedi weapon, have you? Have you come to kill us?"

"No, no! I'd never-"

"No excuses. Grab her," Jabba said to his slaves.

They immediatly ran at Juliana.

"Ahsoka, GET HELP!" Juliana screamed as she ran.

Ahsoka immediately ran to the ship, but her transmission was blocked.

Juliana ran, through the city, dodging villangers, and shots.

She jumped over little hills, and was outrunning them, but hit a super high hill.

She didn't see its sides, so just Jedi jumped up and up, as the slaves started climbing.

Eventually she got to the top, and panted as she ran back down.

As she ran down, the weight of the slaves took them down faster.

Then they caught up.

And they successfully grabbed her, and started walking back.

A speeder came up, and Juliana was thrown on and handcuffed.

The speeder then went up and down the hill again, and back to Jabba's palace.

"So, looks like the Prophecy girl isn't as powerful as you'd think." A droid translated for Jabba, even though Juliana understood his language.

"Go, fetch her father. Let him watch his daughter die." Jabba said to his servants.

Juliana's heart sank.

Her father?


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