i. Minutiae

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                  "I'm not afraid anymore
                    What makes you sure you're all I need?
                  Forget about it."    


This bus is long.

It has seats on every side, almost stretching to fit these people.
All these people. What are they thinking about? What their stop is? Everyone else?
Or how long this bus is. It's not even a connected one, and it's twice the size.
The amount of people here makes me anxious, are they judging me the way I am
judging them? Or are they judging themselves. Thinking of how they must look
in amongst all these strangers, thinking that they are the elephant in the room, well

The seat beside me is occupied by my backpack, though the people standing aren't
asking me to move it. Do they not want to sit beside me? Do they think of me as an
unknown parasite? Or are they to shy to ask? I don't know, but I'm glad that I don't have to smell the body odour of another person, one that might smell bad.
There is also no one in the two seats in front of me. It's like I'm the bad germ everyone wants to stay away from. The virus that no one wants to catch. I don't look threatening, do I? I'm sure an overall paired with an oversized striped sweater, and vans aren't 'criminal' looking. But who am to judge when the guy two rows in front of me
looks like a pervert.

The windows are scratchy and unclear. Like the eyes of a person in red rage. Only the outlines of buildings, and trees, and people are visible. Like they're trying to hide something. The bus suddenly comes to a stop as people pile off, like sims when they're directed to do something. It's like they're walking through each other, until someone
glitches and makes their presence known. My stop will come after the next two stops. Then I would save myself from the boredom of sitting in an unusually long, unconnected bus. It would've been more interesting if it was double decker, but I don't know if they have that in New York, it's my first time here.

The next two stops are uneventful, except for the old lady with the cute puppy golden retriever. Finally my stop arrives and I pull the chain thingy, so the bus will stop. I get
up quickly, avoiding anyone else that may be coming off. My hand loosely gripping
the steel pole, as my left leg brushes against it. I hop off the bus and am greeted with the smell of cigarettes and raindrops. Somehow slightly comforting in this unknown world.
I look around and try to spot the building my aunt showed me, they all look the same. Towering over me, long and tall, with greyish-brownish complexions. They have little space between them, like someone was trying to shove them all together, without suffocating them.

I eventually find the building within two minutes. The large sign too big to be ignored.
Roses palace. When my aunt told me of this apartment building, where she had gotten an apartment for me. Saying that she will pay my rent, taxes, and bills. Which I completely disagreed on, I always  thought of why it has such a cheesy name. Do the founders like roses? Are they referring to the French translation of pink? Or is just
there to bring a more comforting feeling to it. I don't know, but it sure doesn't look comforting.

The door is new and clean, and the lobby has simple red chairs, with a brown coffee table, paired with a vase of roses on top of it. How ironic, it certainly wasn't placed there accidentally. Overall the place looked to simple, and it bothered a complicated person
like me. There was just no mystery, or hidden meaning. I would like it if it looked more
complicated, but not messy. There's a difference you know.

"Are you Teddy?" A male voice asks me. I quickly turn around and am faced with a man that looks roughly my aunts age. I reply with a quiet "yes." Walking closer to the
man. I examine him without him knowing, looking at how rugged is, and how he has this soft look in his eye. "Lena said that you would be here today. God, you look just like her." I give him a small, barely noticeable smile, and say "I get that a lot."
He reaches under the wooden desk, and pulls out two keys and a closed letter. "Your aunt already put everything you need in the apartment." He says while coming out from behind the desk, looking like he has more to say. "But I can see that you already
know that from the one lonely backpack." He looks at my supposedly lonely backpack, then return his eyes back to me.

"I'll show you where your apartment is." He starts walking to an elevator, and presses the button. "My name is Sutton by the way." I look at him for a few seconds, before
contemplating his name. He looks like a Sutton I guess. When the elevator door opens, no one is inside, thankfully. We go in and he presses the button for the 4th floor. "Your apartments on the 4th floor by the way." How unconditionally obvious. Like I didn't guess. The door opens, and we step out into a hallway with pink walls and green wooden floors. Interesting. Lights litter the ceiling and walls of the hallway, each giving off a yellow gleam. I like yellow. We go to the right and walk past six doors, three on each side. Before we stop at a door with everything identical to the others, except for the number. 242 I guess this was the even side of the wall.

Sutton shows me how to lock and open the door before letting me try. I get it on the first
try, and he gives me the two keys. "You can cut two more keys for free, and I have one in my office if you misplace them. It's just beside the couch in the lobby." He goes around me, heading to the direction of the elevator. "Come see me if you have any problems or questions. See you later." With that he walks down the hall to the elevator, maybe, I don't know.

I open the door and am met with a somehow clean looking apartment with white walls.
It looks nice, with things that my aunt knows that I like. Comfy couches with pillows, bookshelves filled with books, and cupboards filled with food. I'm trying to decide wether I deserve this or not, probably not. The bedroom has a built in washroom, with a
queen sized bed. My suitcases are laid out on the bed. I'll unpack later. I go back in the kitchen and place the keys on the counter that overlooks the living room. I sit on one of the high chairs, and messily open the letter. Inside is the wifi password, and social security number, along with the home phone number. I take out my phone and put in the wifi password. Going in the living room and plopping on a couch.

Beside the tv remote is a manual on how to use it. I turn on the tv to see that it's already
connected. I go on treehouse to see that Timothy goes to school is on. Cartoons it is.
I take off my shoes and lay on the couch to watch it. Not relaxing though, because that
is too weird. I decide to leave Timothy alone and go around the apartment more. There I are two windows that go to the front of the building. This place is cute I guess. People
walk outside with shadows behind them. They all look like they're trying to hide something. I'm not though, I'm an open book.

Well my first volume is.


                 "When you walk out the door and leave me torn
                    You're teaching me to live without it
                 Bored, I'm so bored, I'm so bored, I'm so bored."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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