First Day Of School Pt.1

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September 7th 2017

I was peacfully sleeping before I heard a loud bang on my door and the sound of someone coming in. "HEY!!! WAKE UP SANDILA!!! YOU HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL!!!" Oh yeah, now I remember, I had School today... So I slowly got up and slowly walked to bathroom and I didn't even realize that I fell asleep on the toilet. Again.

"IT'S BEEN 30 MINUTES SANDILA!!! GET OUT OF THE BATH ROOM NOW OR ELSE!!!"My mom yelled. I woke up from my mom screaming at me for falling asleep in the bathroom for the third time. At last I got up and wet my face before leaving the bathroom. Then I went to the kitchen and ate donuts. It was all I had for now. Good, 30 minutes till I leave. I quickly changed and put my makeup on. It didn't take me two hours like it did last time. I had enough time to catch the bus to my school. That's until... I realized I forgot my lunch. But luckily I had a couple of dollars on me. Enough to buy the school lunch.

When I went to the School, It was very large. Much bigger than the last high school I've been at. I moved schools but I'm a junior. So I have a year to pass, and another. Not a lot. 

I bumped into someone. She was also a girl, and there was another girl next to her. They seemed confused, and they also looked like they were new here too. "Oh I'm so sorry!" She said. "Here, I'll help!" said the other girl. The first one looked normal. But the other girl... had cat ears? And a tail??

She picked but my books and my book bag up. The first girl picked me up. "H-hello, my name is BonBon" she said. She had weird name. But then again, I was named after Sand. "My name is Sophia!" the other girl said as she gave me my books and my book bag. I was confused, but i took my books and my book bag and slid my books in my bag. "Thank you BonBon and Sophia. Oh, and my name is Sandila." I said as I smiled, still confused. "You're welcome Sandila." They said as they walked away. I was walking about fifty feet behind them. They were quite fast, as if they were walking, then teleporting away, then walking again. 

Then, the truth hit me, MONSTERS WERE FREED FROM MOUNT EBBOT!!! I noticed something I didn't before, THERE WERE MONSTERS EVERYWHERE!!! I saw skeletons, goats, lizard-dinos, fish people, ghosts, robots, and even flowers! They were all monsters from Mount Ebbot. I was scared, but then, I thought about the cat lady and human. They were nice, but who knows! They could be mean, rude, cruel, heartless monsters. Who knows?! Even the Human could be a monster! I quickly ran to the from desk, got my ID and my classes. Yes! First class, math! "Thank you Ms..." I stopped, not knowing her name. "Martinez, Ms. Martinez" She said as she smiled. Ms. Martinez was a human, so I wasn't scared. I ran to the sign that said 'Math'. I went in, hoping not to be late. Luckily I wasn't, not even the teacher were here. I sat down on the first row. The teacher came...




~~~To Be Continued~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2017 ⏰

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