chapter 2

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              When deliyna saw him next she fell in love at first sight. After school when she reached home whole day she was thinking about that boy. She didn't understand what exactly happened to her. She started memorising that how that boy saw her and how she blushed. after looking at her that boy again smiled. Dileyna stood in front of mirror and started smiling louder. Her mom came and saw her that she is smiling . Her mom asked "what happened dileyna....whats wrong with you" dileyna startled and replied " mom nothing". second day dileyna was very excited to go to the school now she has one reason. she just wanted to see him again.
             In recess she went to the 9th standard class room but she didn't find him anywhere. She slightly got nervous. After school dileyna and her friends were going home suddenly that boy passes in front of them. He turns back and look toward dileyna .it was unexpected to her .dileyna's friends have been started teasing her. Her cheeks were red.
                Now her feelings get stronger for that boy. She wanted to know his name in any condition . So she asked her one of the friend jimmy for help. Jimmy told " His name is Allen " .
               Allen is a rich boy. He is smooth talking charmer who has mastered the art of attracting girls. He has very attractive eyelashes and brown eyes. He has a story but you may never find out what it is. He has a distinctive cute and funny way of flirting that makes good girls go crazy for him. He has a sensitive side that makes you feel like you have to protect and pamper him. He is spontaneous and will pull almost any stunt for a laugh. and best thing he is food lover. He never ever shares his secrets to anyone.

Guys Love comes to those who still hope although they've been disappointed,to those who still believe although they've been betrayed,
to those who still love although they've been hurt before
Here is end of my second part hope you like it. In next part we will see dileyna and Allen's first talk.
Till then be happy and be always special for someone. byeee

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