Greek style Kale chips

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1-bushful of kale (about 10 leaves)

1/2 teaspoons of salt

1/2 teaspoons of peper

1 table spoon of garlic powder

1 table spoon of dry oragano

1 table spoon of dry thyem

1 tea spoon of dry dill 

1/2 of a freash lemon or bottle lemon juice would be 1/4 of a cup or how ever much u want because i love lemon and it really is just personal choice 

4 table spoons of olive oil

set your oven to 350 degrees to preheat, take a baking sheet, couver with tin foil with shine side up. take the kale and rip off all the leafs from their steams (you should not eat the steams) wash and dry as much water off them as you can, then mix all the ingerdents together making sure everything is mixed. Add the kale into the bowl maked until everything is couvered evenly as possible. spread in a evenly the kale on the sheet (note you may have to do batches). the kale can take anywere from 5 minutes up to 8 minutes please keep a eye on them once they go a light green they are ready to be taken out and eaten.

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