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~Brielle's P.O.V~

Jiyong helped me into our bed, pulling the blanket over me after getting me into a comfy position. He climbed in next to me, pulling his side of the blanket over him, he played with my hair slightly, twirling it around his fingers. "I love you so much Brielle, I can't wait to see you in white, walking down the aisle on your father's arm." His words made my gaze drop, he looked concerned like he was upset too. "What is it, baby?" He asked, lifting my chin up to look into his brown eyes, my eyes watered slightly before I began to speak. "My dad, he passed away when I was 13, he got into a car accident, it killed him on impact." After I choked out the last of the sentence I was bawling, he chest ached, it had been a long time since I talked about my dad. His look softened, he pulled me closer to him, well as close as he could get with my stomach being huge. He stroked my hair, humming "Superstar", one of his newer songs. "I'm sorry that happened to you Brielle If I knew I wouldn't have said anything." He replied, planting a soft kiss on my forehead. I smiled up at him, leaning in to place a soft kiss on his lips, before pulling away to speak. "I want one of the boys to walk me. I think it would make the moment very special." I said, reaching over to grab his hand. He smiled and nodded, his eyes shone brightly with happiness. "I think that TOP should walk you, that's my opinion if you want one of the others to walk you then that's fine." I smiled at him, tears in my eyes once more. "I would live for TOP to walk me." I replied, snuggling into his neck, not hearing his reply because I was drifting off to sleep. I woke up to the smell of fresh coffee and food, minus a Jiyong sleeping next to me, I groaned and got up from the bed, heading out to find my mom sitting at the table, drinking coffee and Jinyong in the kitchen cooking something that smelled really good. "Morning mom!" I said, stretching, trying to rub the sleep out of my tired eyes. "Good morning sweetie, how did you sleep?" She asked me, taking my hand into her warm on. "Pretty well, It's been a while since I slept that good, Jaejoon usually moves and kicks Jiyong in the back, so we both don't get much sleep," I replied, watching Jiyong turn his eyes to me, giving me his wide smile. "She isn't wrong about Jaejoon kicking me, he kicks hard too." He said, causing me to giggle, my mom laughing with me. Jiyong came around to the table, placing some food in front of my mom and me, he took the seat next to me before digging into his food. My mom smiled at me before doing the same, I started to eat but then turned to my mom. "Is there anything you want to do today ma?" I asked, placing a bit of rice into my mouth. She put on her thinking face before replying to me. "What about just going to walk around for a while, and maybe look at some wedding dresses? What do you think?" She suggested, turning her eyes to me. "Looking for dresses sounds fine mom, Jiyong has to go to work anyways, I'm on maternity leave until after Jaejoon is born, Jiyong doesn't work every day so he would be here." I replied, looking over at Jiyong, who looked up at me with a face full of food. I chuckled and turned back to my mom who was smiling, she looked away for a second before putting her hands in mine, tears brimming in her eyes. "Your dad would be so proud of you Brielle." She said, her voice cracking with every word. I could feel eyes watering as she spoke, my heart began to ache as the tears flowed, I pulled her into a hug and cried onto her shoulder. I felt a hand on my shoulder, comforting me, I turned to see Jiyong with a sad smile on his face, tears at the corners of his eyes. I let go of my mom to pull Jiyong into a hug, kissing him sweetly, he kissed back before pulling away, brushing my hair out of my face. We had yet to tell my mom about the text messages, they were still coming and getting worse by the second, it went from just small threats to hoping that I would lose Jaejoon, I wanted to wait to tell my mom until after Jaejoon was born and after we got married, but I hate lying to her. I pulled out of the hug, smiling up at Jiyong, my stomach filled with butterflies. I turned to my mom, smiling brightly. "I'm going to go get ready for the day, then we can head out okay?" I said, getting up slowly from the table before wobbling into the bedroom. I began to get dressed, struggling to get my tights on, I huffed in annoyance. "Jiyong! Can you help me!" I called from the room, anger filling my voice. Jiyong came rushing in, worry plastered on his face. "Is the baby coming!" He asked, panic in his voice. I busted out laughing, shaking my head. "No silly! I need help with my pants, my belly is too big for me to get them on." I said, pointing to my half-clothed legs. He chuckled slightly, bending down to help me slide my pants up. I smiled up at him, holding out my hand for him to help me up off the bed. He grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him,  connecting our lips together quickly. "Have a good day at work okay? Call me when you go on break." I said before kissing him once more, then grabbing my keys, heading for the front door, my mom trailing behind me.


Me and GD Book 1 (BIGBANG G-Dragon Fanfic) 18+ (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now