@zohaven says, "I wasn't originally going to give Scorpius any dares, but as none of the other dare books have been updated, I feel this is necessary.

1. Remind Draco and Harry about some of the people who dared them back when they were young. (Rosekook, LiliannaPotterWeasley, The Scary Reader, Fluffy Narwhal, etc.)2. Do Draco Puppet Pals - except this time, you, Scorpius, are the Draco. Both Albus and Harry can be Harry, or only one if you think that's good. ((This is something all Malfoys must suffer.))3. Set the roof on fire, then cast a spell on it so instead of being hot, it's relatively comfortable. Don't tell James you have done this, and employ anyone you need to to help you tie James up and roast him on a spit on the not-quite-fire fire. 4. Make a human tower and then fall on top of Harry(because, why not?). Pretty short, but I have to go now. Have fun! :)"

Scorpius: *laughs* The admin is super busy right now, she just started high school a month ago and has an overnight speech tournament on Friday (09/22); that's why she's not updating the other books as often.

Claramond: Also, I'm nicer about the admin's hectic schedule than James or Draco, so it just works out that way. The admin forgot Hermione's book existed...

Admin: Don't point out my flaws on the internet! Thank you, Scorpius for telling the readers why I'm not updating nearly as often as I should.

James: On with the dares!

Scorpius walks downstairs again.

Draco: *laughs* What is it, Scorpius?

Clarmond apparates back with Harry.

Harry: Malfoy?

Draco: *laughs* It is my house, Potter.

Harry: *looks confused* Why am I here?

Claramond: Scorpius has something to ask you guys.

Draco: *scratches head* What is it?

Scorpius: *pauses for a beat* Do you remember @FluffyNarwhal11 @rosekook1 @draher @rosekook1 @LilianaPotterWeasley and the other readers?

Harry: *laughs* @zohaven is a savage.

Draco: *rolls eyes* She's terrifying!

Harry: Rosekook is a fan of K-Pop-

Draco: She's a superfan, Potter.

Harry: *laughs* True. Her and the admin both.

Draco: @FluffyNarwhal11 doesn't give the worst dares, but that doesn't mean they're tame either. Holly and Sarah are huge pranksters with nothing to do but prank the sh*t out of me.

Harry: Yup. @zohaven is terrifying so do her dares or she will rip your favorite couple. Liliana dares some pretty crazy stuff, but it's fun for me t force your father into doing them.

Claramond: *laughs*

Albus: *looks at Scorpius, terrified* You better do the dares then.

Scorpius: *nods*

Draco: Why do you ask?

Scorpius: No reason! *runs off*

Harry: Albus how did you get here?

Albus: *runs off after Scorpius* Draco Potter Puppet pals!

Scorpius: No, Al, please!

Albus: Me or Harry be Harry?

Scorpius: You. Not both, that's living h*ll.

Albus sticks Scorpius's head in a cage of hamsters. Scorpius's hair is getting eaten by the hamsters.

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