Ch.5 Staying The Night

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Amy and Bribry laughed and joked all the way home.

Amy unlocked the front door and went inside. Candice was asleep in front of the TV.

"You can sleep in my room," Amy told Bribry.

Bribry nodded and they walked to her room.

Amy had the bigger room in the house. It had mint green walls and emerald green curtains which framed the window that was opposite the door as you walked into the room. Her bed was to the left of the door as you walked into the room, with a sofa beside it facing the TV. There was a beanbag chair in the opposite corner, beside the window, with a bookshelf beside it.

"You can have the bed," Amy offered. "I'll take the sofa."

"No it's your room and-" Bribry began.

Amy cut him off "I insist."

Bribry looked at the time. It read '8:30 P.M.'

"Does she always go to sleep this early?" Bribry asked Amy about Candice.

"You should know, you were married to her!" Amy responded with a laugh.

"Yeah but I was hypnotised for half of it!"

They laughed and sat on Amy's bed. Amy switched on the TV and the two watched the whole first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Netflix. During which try gradually inched closer and closer to each other until they were side by side.

"It's ironic," Amy began

"What?" Bribry questioned.

"We just watched a show about a girl that kills vampires whilst I'm sat next to one," She finished.

"But I'm like Angel," Bribry said looking into Amy's eyes "I'm a good guy."

Bribry and Amy's faces inched closer to each other until they were just centimetres apart.

"I know," Amy whispered.

Just then they jolted apart as they heard Candice yell.

"Amy are you here?"

"Yes Candice I'll be right out," Amy gave Bribry and look to say 'I'm sorry' as she left the room.

"Yes Candice?"

"Were you with someone!?" Candice asked accusingly, jealousy strung through her voice.

"No I was just watching Buffy,"

"Can I watch too?"

"No I'm goin to bed now sorry,"

"Ok," Candice said angrily as she glared at the floor. "I guess I'll see you in the morning then."

"I guess,"

"Night Amy," Candice blew a kiss.

"Yup." Amy responded as she spun on her heal and went back to her room.

Bribry had changed into the pyjamas Amy gave him and gotten into bed.

Amy Locked her bedroom door, quickly changed into her own pyjamas and hopped into her previously done up sofa bed.

"Night," Amy whispered.

"Night," Bribry responded.

"Don't let the bed bugs bite,"

Bribry chuckled. "I think they'd be too afraid of me biting back!"

Amy giggled awkwardly. "Don't bite me,"

"I'll try not to,"

"Haha no but seriously."

"Goodnight Amy."

Yay Chapter 5 complete!

Omg that #romance between Bribry and Amy though!💕

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2014 ⏰

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