Finding Him

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Sickness it's a term when kids feel happy or sad, but being stuck with a sickness for eternity is pure hell, throwing up everywhere, clenching your stomach for half the time, and getting mood swings.

It's been a week since the last time Blaine visited, you were starting to get better, feeding yourself and finally moving your weary hands.

It's like saying an infant can't do anything without the help of its mother

But the only mother you had who    likely cared was her, but nonetheless you still cared for her after all 9 months she carried you.

It was a surprise for your family that you could finally do things yourself, but it was all thanks to Blaine, after all he did come mysteriously without anyone knowing.

As a thanks you wanted him to come over but you didn't know where he lived. You fiddled with your fingers and thought there must be only one person named Blaine. He was a magician after all.

So you decided to set fourth and find him, maybe even get to see your people since it had been a while. So hence you went, you set off in a carriage ready to find your healer.

But you noticed your perfect of a brother talking to some guards, you didn't want to overhear but you only heard a few words.

"Don't let him in the castle at all grounds."

What was he talking about? You shook it off and the carriage went. Your subjects were all amazed to see you finally getting out the castle, let's just say it was a miracle.

"Is that the princess [Y/N]?"

"Blimey, of course it is you dingus!"

You smiled at everyone's responses, and the carriage kept on going. After a few hours or so you noticed a man with a cloak your heart suddenly missed a beat.

"Go give that man this note the one with a black cloak you see" you ordered your messenger.

He ran to Blaine, he was quite surprised to see a man running after him, but he looked like he read the letter and noticed you staring at him, he thanked the messenger, and so the carriage went back to the castle.

"I'm home!" You yelled

"What were you doing [Y/N] it's 9pm, you know once you're better you shouldn't be jacking off" your brother stated

You were offended you jacking off hardly you were just sending a letter.

"Speechless for words I knew it."

"I was going to talk you know and no why would I be jacking off and why does it concern you anyway?"

"Pfft, fine have it your way at least I'm not late for the royal meeting with father and mother" he shrugged off and walked away.

"Meeting? Oh no I'm late!" You shrieked you looked down at your [Short/Long] dress it did look tacky but who cares you had to be there as soon as possible.

"Heh, she'll be late for sure, no wonder."

My One and Only ( Yandere Prince! x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now