Broken-Hearted Girl

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"Thanks for letting me borrow your car." I told Jacob. Jacob and I have been friends for a while now but it feels like we knew each other for years. He was the only person I could go to to convened in and tell my secrets to. Sometimes I think he sees right through me.

"You're going to see him aren't you?" He asked.

I sighed, knowing I've just been caught. "Yeah. He said he wanted to see me some type of surprise."

"Just be careful I don't trust him." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and I smiled up at him. He stood at 6'3 tall towering over my 5'5 body. It kinda hurt my neck to be looking up at him all the time. "I will I promise." I got into the car and pulled out of the drive way.

As I speed down the street I thought about Jacob and how people say we were a cute couple everywhere we go, but we couldn't be together not with the color of our skin. Jacob was from white descend and I was African American. I got dirty looks from strangers when they saw us together even though we weren't holding hands, kissing or being lovey dovey like most couples. Just being being around each made people despised our friendship. Even though we think we could make it work we never crossed that line or spoke about it.

I pulled into this gated community with high walls you could barely see the apartments that were inside from the street. I wined down my window to speck to the guard at the gate.

"Good morning ma'am. Who are you here to see?" He smiled at me.

"Um.. Andre Washington." He looked down at his clipboard and gave me directions to Andre's apartment.

I knocked at the door once, twice, three times. I was starting to get annoyed I had no patients for this. You knew I was coming over why the hell aren't you answering the door. I banged on the door a little harder. The door swing open before I was finished. "Damn girl why you beating down the door like the police!" Andre said putting a shirt over his wet body.

"Cause you weren't answering and knew I was coming over." I said rolling my eyes.

"I was in the shower. Come in." He opened the door wider so I could walked into the apartment that look so beautiful even if it didn't have furniture in it. The cherry wood floors shinned the crystal chandelier that hung in the dinning room and kitchen was amazing. Everything was modernized. Marble counter tops, stainless steel utilities, and a nice island in the center of the kitchen. This was better than the place I lived.

"You like it?" He asked.

"Yeah it's ok." I turned to look at him. His dreads were in a ponytail and I can tell he just got a cut and shaved. His dark skin looked so good that I wanted to run my tongue along it. "Why did you call me over here?" I asked.

"To talk."

"About." I crossed my arms and looked at him.

"Always rushing to get to business aren't you. Why can't you live in the moment?." He gave me one of his small smirks.

"There's no moment to live in."

"Well then."

"Come on Dre I don't have all day."

"Why can't we talk like old friends." I shook my head and close my eyes trying to clear my mind. "It would been better if you had some furniture to sit on." I smiled.

"Yeah. I'm gonna pick some out Saturday. You wanna come?" He came up to me grabbing me by my waist and my whole body stiffened. He picked me up and sat me down on the kitchen counter and took a step back standing in front of me.

"Why do you want me to come."

"To help pick things. You can pick something you would like to put in here."

Broken-Hearted GirlWhere stories live. Discover now