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main character:

yuki- study and hardworking person.

jimin- had a crush on Yuki. Yuki would take her revenge for kissing her

Jungkook- had a crush on Yuki since he was a little child.

luciel- nickname 707. Yuki texts him lots.


sakura- mom of Yuki. She always wants Yuki to be happy and she always encouraged her lots.

James- Dad

Jacob- little brother of Yuki


William- her best friend that always give her advice to her. when he turns into a senior he avoids her. Yuki finds out she has a feeling for him. But it's too late because he's going to college. She always wants him to smile. William also went to back to the past. He doesn't want Yuki to know that he is the same person that Yuki know him. William had felt feeling to Jem. Then he falls Yuki kinda since his sophomore year.

Lisa -Yuki friend

Danny- is Yuki friend

Jem- her trust friend of Yuki.

Amy- is her childhood friends that betrayed her. Talk shit about her

Jones- is one of the annoying senior that has a huge crush on Yuki. Yuki tries to stay away from him. He talks to everyone that he had a huge crush on Yuki.

Luca- is Yuki crush in freshman year but he ends up begin a jerk and a fuck boy. Then he had a crush on Yuki.

Monica- is one of her bully in middle school.

Ambrocio- Yuki always saw him on the bus in the morning. Yuki encourages herself to be someone new. Yuki thought that he is a handsome person or a good-looking person. He turns out that he just like to play around with the girl feeling. Yuki at the end she finds out that he is the worst person ever.

rain- Yuki friend that he always annoyed her lots. He had a crush on ever since she met her in robotics afterschool. Yuki always trusts him lots.

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