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I layed quietly against the cold, white table. It was my only option as the scientist stepped towards me, a syringe in hand. I quietly spoke up. "What's that?" The man chuckled, "Your future." My eyes widened, my future? What did he mean? I open my mouth to ask, but he snaps at me. "Such vile creatures like you don't need to speak!" he hissed. "So shut your mouth!" I whimper, closing my mouth and lowering my head. I heard the sound of footsteps and a small voice call out. "I-i'm so sorry sir..! Traffic c-caught up with me..!"

The man sighs setting the needle down. I look up to see him shooing a girl off. "Go away. I want to be alone with E#79." I flinch at my name, whimpering softly. He snaps at me again, "Shut up!" I lower my head, going silent. I feel the collar around my neck tighten as a chain is pulled. I bite my tongue, keeping myself from crying out. Straps are tightened around my wrists, ankles, and my waist. I continue to bite my tongue and my chin is jerked up. I'm forced to stare into those cold, green eyes. I taste the familiar taste of iron and I wince softly.

A machine whirs to life behind me and the table I'm on is flipped around. I'm met with a huge machine, a huge needle at the front of it. My eyes widen in fear. "It's ready." "Excellent." I whimper, "W-whats ready?" The man smirks widely. "Your impending doom." I whimper, "Please..! You don't have to do this..!" "Oh but sweetie," he gets close to my face, close enough so that our noses were touching. "I want to do this." he releases my chin, letting my head slam back against the table. I cry out and yell, "Please! Don't hurt me!" "Oh sweetie.. It's not going to hurt you.. It's going to kill you, " he coos. The machine starts to move close to me and I struggle against my bindings. "Please!! Stop this!!" The binds run against my wrists, but I don't care. I want out.. I want out. I. Want. Out! I scream, a shockwave tearing through the room. The scientist fly back and the machine jolts, before it falls limp. 

He cackles, standing and stepping towards me. He wipes at his forehead, his fingers staining red from a cut. I struggle, the binds tight and rubbing my skin raw. He pulls a remote from his pocket and electricity jolts through me. I immediately stop struggling, starting to shake as the electricity courses through my veins. I let out a loud scream, "Stop!! Make it stop!!" He chuckles, "If you say." He grabs a syringe off the floor, flicking the needle as he approaches me. The electricity stops and I'm left panting for air as my body falls limp. "Little pinch.." he says, pushing the needle into my skin and injecting the fluid. I whimper softly and then the world goes black.


When I awake next, I'm lightheaded and back in my cell. I sigh in slight relief, but hear footsteps and quickly close my eyes, faking sleep. "E#79. I know you're awake." 'Dammit..' "Come. You have an operation." My eyes widen. "O-operation?" The woman scowls, "What are you deaf? Yes an operation." The door slides open and a woman steps in. "Cooperate and I may go easy on you." she hisses. I nod softly, standing shakily. She shoves me into a wheelchair, clipping a chain to my collar and binding my wrists and ankles with straps.

The ride to the operation room is a silent one. The occasional grumble from the woman saying how she shouldn't be the one doing this. I stay silent, not wanting to get punished. I've been punished before and it's not fun. We reach the room and she unstraps my wrists and ankles. I have no time to run them as she yanks me forward.

"Get in." she hisses. I nod meekly, stepping into the room. I note the many scientists, standing around an operation table. "Ah. What do we have here?" I hear a voice ask from the opposite of the table. "A monster." The woman turns me, the opening in the back of my shirt exposing my number. "E#79.. You're a dangerous one as we hear." The man muses. "You'll be getting more added to that." The man turns to the woman, "Lay her down." She nods, yanking the chain, "Lay down!" she demands. I choke, laying down.

I'm flipped over onto my stomach as straps are tightened around my body. I whimper softly, hopefully today will be an easy day. The many whispers of scientists are heard as they mark on their clipboards. The man steps towards me, bending down, and whispering to me. "Today you'll be branded and earning yourself more marks." I whimper softly, "W-will it hurt?" "But of course sweetheart." he stands, stepping away as he grabs a long metal rod. He holds the metal into a flame and I watch as the metal changes to a bright red. "Cover your ears." The man warns. He steps towards me, looking down at my back. "This won't do at all." he murmurs, ripping off part of my shirt. "There." he lightly taps a spot on my back and I shiver. The next thing I know, his finger is replaced by a sharp burning pain. I scream, but my mouth is covered by a hand. The metal is removed from my back as is the hand and I whimper helplessly.

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