I: The Aristocrats' Daughter

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Sonya's POV
Everyone thinks being the daughter of the most powerful aristocrats in Vancouver is something to be thankful for and proud of. But that is far from how I feel. My parents don't bat an eyelash at me unless I've caught the eye of a guy who's wealth is larger than ours. I'm just an accessory to them, and I'll never be more important than their precious money. It's not fun being trapped in a mansion all day listening to them making dodgy business deals with other pompous high class snobs. I have no friends, no siblings, no pets, and no family actually. I can hardly call Egor and Sasha Mikhailov, the wealthiest couple in Canada, my parents. They make me call them Mother and Father and nothing else. I'm also forbidden to interrupt them during business hours no matter how important the matter is. Of course, I'm drowning in the most expensive clothes, shoes, jewellery, electronics, etcetera. But it's nothing to me, just their way of supposedly keeping me happy.

I finish eating my plain salad by myself in the spacious marble kitchen in my spacious expensive mansion. I take my dishes and place them in the dishwasher before heading upstairs to room where I'll probably listen to music and read until I fall asleep. I walk past the main office my parents use for their business deals and hear my mother call my name.
"Yes, mother?" I ask poking my head through the door.
"Tomorrow one of our most persistent clients and his son are coming over for a meeting. His son is about your age so make yourself look presentable for tomorrow afternoon" My mother says to me whilst typing away rapidly on her computer.
"Of course" I say submissively.
"Just sit there and look pretty" My father tells me before gulping away at his glass of scotch.
"As always" I mumble.
"And please don't wear anything like that" My mother says in disgust.
I look down at my cream lace bralette, ripped light blue jeans, and brown heeled sandals in confusion.
"We don't want anyone getting the wrong impression of how we've raised our daughter" she continues snobbishly.
"You're excused" my father says after I sigh.
I smile falsely before walking towards my bedroom. I walk inside and slam my door shut before leaning my back against it and sighing. Why am I just a trophy daughter to them? Why do they always try and marry me off to some stupid fortune heir? I take a deep breath and walk towards my vanity sitting down to remove my makeup. I retrieve my makeup wipes from inside my drawer and look back up at my mirror, but the breath is taken from my lungs when I see an unfamiliar guy, masked in a black balaclava, climbing through my window with a rope in his hands. I stand up quickly and turn around to face him. He walks over to me and I stand paralysed just staring at him. He grabs my wrists and spins me around so my back is facing him. He pulls me backwards harshly.
"Don't scream and don't struggle" he says in a deep husky voice, before wrapping a handkerchief around my mouth to act as a gag.
He turns me around with the same harshness in his grip and I continue to just stare at him as he wraps the rope around my wrists. I gasp quietly as he violently ties the rope. He bends down to pick me up by my legs and throw me over his shoulder as he walks towards my window. My breathing is erratic but I don't make a sound. He jumps down to the AstroTurfed backyard and runs with me still over his shoulder towards a blacked out Jeep parked just outside the back gates. When we get to the car, he puts me back down on my feet put keeps a strong hold on the rope around my wrists. He pulls a scrap of black fabric out of his pocket and ties it around my eyes so I can't see anything. He opens one of the back doors and yanks me forward before pushing me inside. I lay there scared and silent as he slams the door and climbs into the drivers seat before starting up the engine and driving off into the night.

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