Chapter 14: Table Talk

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Jeremy's POV

For all of you readers at home, I am not a kidnapper. I pinkie swear. I'm doing this for her own good. I used some old fashioned sleeping potion I had slipped into her soda at work. When it wasn't working fast enough, I had to resort to other options. Now she lays sleeping in the backseat, blanket draped over her and childlock on the doors and the windows. Everything needed for the perfect kidnapping. And before all of you crazy fangirls are all, look at you, sexy Jeremy.

You just said you weren't a kidnapper, but now you are speaking of the perfect crime.

Look, I can kidnap someone without being a kidnapper.


Suddenly my phone rings. Damon.

"What do you want?" I ask.

I can hear the bastard smirk. "Elena wants to know if you're on your way."

I look at the sign, telling me what road I'm on. "I'm on Gilbert Parkway right now."

"You have our guest?"

"She's in the backseat," I say, looking at Zara through the mirror before hanging up. As I pull into the driveway, she stirs, still asleep. I make sure her phone is with me and she is still asleep before carrying her into the house. 

Zara's POV

I wake up to the sound of people talking. A pillow is tucked under my head, blanket draped over my body.

"Jeremy, what is this about?" I can hear Elena's voice beside my body. "Why did you call a dinner with me and Zara? And then kidnap her?"

"Elena," Jeremy responds. "There's something I have to tell—"

"She's awake." Elena cuts him off, running to me. I throw the pillow over my head.

"No she's not."

Suddenly I snap awake, trying to escape the house. I race to the door as fast as I can, fighting and clawing to pry it open. Locked. I begin to panic. My phone's gone, I don't know where I am, I have been kidnapped my boyfriend's psychopath friend. I want to go home. I have to get out. I gang on the doorknob. 

Elena sighs.

The next voice I hear is Damon's. "I got it." Suddenly his arms wrap around my waist and legs, lifting me off the  ground. I begin kicking and screaming. "LET ME GO! PUT ME DOWN!"  

I am dumped back on the couch, me sobbing my eyes out as I beg and plead for my release. "Please....I just wanna go home. Let me go. Please."

Jeremy squats down to my level. "Zara." His eyes meet mine. " We're not going to hurt you, we just want to talk."

I clutch my shirt, still crying. Talking can still mean danger. I've seen milk cartons. His eyes look so innocent though. I sniffle. I don't wanna die. I wanna go home. 

He helps me stand. "We're gonna eat some dinner.  We'll explain everything. You won't be hurt, and we'll take you home after dinner. I promise."

I nod. "Where's my phone?"

"In my pocket. Just until dinner is over. I promise."


I sit at the head of the table, my history teacher Mr. Saltzman to my left, Elena to my right. Chicken and rice is placed before me to stuff my face with.Stefan holds Elena's hand, Jeremy at the other head of the table.

"You're probably wondering why you're here."

"Nah duh."

He looks at Elena. "John Gilbert's been...communicating with me again." 

Elena's eyebrows soar to her forehead. "What?!"

"He wanted me to tell you both, together. Zara," he says, drawing his attention to me. "John Gilbert is my uncle. He's also Elena's dad. Elena was adopted by my dad, her uncle. Just to clear any confusion." 

"What does this have to do with me?"

"He said, that seventeen years ago, he met up with Isobel Flemming, Elena's mom. They had a one night stand. And then she got pregnant. Again.

Apparently, they ended up getting back together, trying to raise the baby on their own. Yet, in the end they broke up and had to give up the girl for adoption."He says it quickly, with no emotion. I watch as Elena drops her fork onto her plate in shock. I give him a skeptical look. "Jeremy, what are you saying?"

"Zara, you're Elena's younger sister."


Sorry for the crappy chapter, writing this at two in the morning.

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