Chapter One

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Any sane person would realize that it’s a very stupid idea to build your mansion in the middle of a (supposedly) haunted forest with the nearest town two hours away. Fortunately for me, my aunt Lilly wasn’t fully sane- at least, no one thought she was. Turns out, we were correct.

It was March 25 of 2017. My mother was driving. We were on our way to Wolfminster Airport. I was wearing blue leggings printed with star and planetary patterns and a sapphire t-shirt.

The two of us were headed to South Daravick, to visit my aunt, uncle and cousins, the Darlans. They lived in a massive mansion separate from the small mountain town, preferring to ignore everyone else except family and a few close friends. But who can blame them? People are weird.

When we arrived at the airport, I discovered my aunt had booked two first class seats for us. It was absolutely luxurious, but all I did was order chocolate cheesecake, put in my earbuds and stare sullenly out the window at the rain. I knew it was cliche and stupid, but I couldn't resist.

I was pouting, to tell you the truth. I’m not much of a pouting type of girl, but I had just broken up with my long-term boyfriend a few days ago, and I missed him like crazy. Mom was sympathetic, but refused to push back this dumbass trip. And so, here we are.

After an hour or two, the plane touched down in Daravick Airport. We climbed off the plane, and my mother helped me carry the luggage out to the car that was waiting. She climbed into the passenger seat and chatted with our driver, leaving me no choice but to sit in the back. I leaned against the seat and closed my eyes. I must have fallen asleep, because when I blinked again we were headed down the gravel path that lead to my family’s mansion.

When we pulled into the paved driveway, I spotted my aunt hovering at the door. The second the driver parked the car, Aunt Lilly flew down the sloping drive and pulled me into a hug. She smelled like apples and cinnamon- I suspect we’ll be having apple pie tonight. After a moment, she released me and kissed my mother’s cheek.

“Welcome home!” she greeted us warmly. The driver popped open the trunk and helped us carry our suitcases into the hall. “I’ll be right back, Caroline, sweetheart,” she told me, hurrying off down the long hallway. I waited as Mom paid the driver. He hopped into his car and was gone in seconds.

As I waited, I turned to look deeper  into the mansion. The locals hate this place. They say it’s haunted by evil spirits. Now I know how accurate they were.

The two women returned, and we each grabbed a suitcase to carry upstairs.

The staircase was absolutely gorgeous. The carpeted steps had a pretty floral pattern- not the weird, faded kind you see in old people homes, but pale pink roses that almost seemed real. The handrail was polished and shining, and carved to look like there were rose vines winding around them.

“This is your mother's room,” Auntie said, gesturing to the first door on the left. She nodded towards the second one. “Caroline, this is yours.”

I heaved my bags the last few steps and kicked open the door to my room, peeking inside. It was simply furnished, but lovely. The floor was plush black carpet, the walls raincloud gray. To the right was a full sized bed with a set of white pillows and fuzzy blankets. Opposite of the door was a huge bay window. The windowseat had several large cushions and a bookshelf built into the wall on either side. The nightstand held a lamp, a stack of envelopes and paper, and a bulging pencil pouch. On the other side of the bed was a walk-in closet. I saw a second door that probably led to the bathroom.

I left my bags on the floor at the foot of my bed. Unpacking could wait. Sleepy, I curled up under the cover and dozed until someone knocked at the door.

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