Revenge Card 2

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Her friend's man was a good and loving person,
so was Ife, the man she had once loved. Men
couldn't be trusted.

'I hear you. Meanwhile, we haven't hung out in
a long time Rissa, I miss those days' Iman
'I miss it too, but you know I love my job...'
Narissa trailed off as one of the studio
attendants rushed towards her.
'Excuse me Narissa, the boss wants you now; a
very important person has come to see you, we
must not keep him waiting' the studio
attendant said.
'Alright, I'll be there in a minute' she shooed
'You don't love your job more than a man Rissa.
You still haven't gotten over Ife and what he
did; you cannot hate all men because of that
miserable piece of shit. Open up your heart, love
can find you again' Iman advised.
'Really? Beautiful words sis, you sound just like
Edna my stepmother. I need run, we'll talk
later. Give my love to Obinna' she blew her a
'Received. Bye bestie' Iman replied.
'Wow' Narissa drew a breath, she always felt
happiness well up inside her whenever she spoke
with her best friend. Iman was closer to her
than a friend, they were sisters.
She lifted her phone and stared at the screen
to check if she was okay and presentable
enough for this important person. The picture
she saw there was perfect as usual.
Narissa was a hot girl like her nickname
implied. Today, she wore denim shorts that
revealed fine fresh laps and straight legs; her
hips bulged out enormously in the ensemble. She
wore a deep green top that complimented her
very light skin; her face was make-up free as
she'd decided to go natural. That didn't hide
her beauty at all; her long black hair fell
carelessly on her shoulders.
'Here she comes, Narissa the hot girl' her boss
beckoned her to meet the person. She hadn't
seen his face because he backed her but
whoever it was seemed very familiar, almost
like the man who dumped her. Ife.

Ife Martins was the wealthiest bachelor in town;
he was a cutie too, the reason women drooled
over him. He had gotten into a bet with his
former best friend Ekene to sleep with Narissa
the hot girl and he'd won. Everything that
happened led to his losing Narissa. By the time
he realized how important she was to him, it
was already too late.
He'd thought he could easily get over Narissa
but he couldn't, it wasn't easy letting go of
someone you had come to love.
That's why he was doing this; he needed to take
this risk, he needed Narissa in his life.
After his interview with Sunshine Spring Media,
he thought of no other but her.
'Ife? What are you doing here?' She whispered
his name. He could sense surprise and anger in
her voice, and that scared him.
'Rissa' he took a deep breath and faced her.
'Oh, you two know each other? We better give
you privacy then. Everybody, let's stay outside.
We'll return once they are done' her boss
trotted out with the rest of the crew.
'What are you doing here? Are you stalking me
now?' Narissa composed herself. She felt like
banging his head against the wall after the way
he had treated her.
'Rissa, please just hear me out. I am so sorry'
he fell on his knees. He couldn't hold it
anymore, the feelings he had for her were
killing him.
'We are done talking Ife Martins. Just get the
hell up and get out of my studio' she yelled
angrily at him.
Hadn't he done enough? He had broken her
heart and humiliated her, what more did he
'Please, forgive me Narissa. I love you so much,
please give me another chance. I am sorry for
the way I hurt you, for the way I humiliated
you, please' he begged.
'You are a comedian. Love? Do you speak of
love? Do you know what I went through? You
broke my heart, Ife. You tore my self-esteem
into shreds, you used me, played with my heart
and now you speak of love. You know nothing
about love, neither do you know about pain' she
hissed angrily.

'I agree. I did all those things to you but I am
sorry. I promise to make you happy, just give
me a chance Narissa' he begged.
'Well, your chance is over. I have a new
boyfriend now. Move on with your life Ife, go
on, leave me alone!' she said.
'You have a boyfriend?' It was like a blade
seared his heart. If she had fallen in love with
someone else, it meant there wasn't any hope
for him.
'Yes, that's why you need to leave me the hell
alone, my boyfriend is very jealous, if he sees
us together, he will be mad. Respect that Ife'
she cautioned him.
'Okay, I would never disturb you again' he rose
to his feet.
'But promise me one thing, Rissa' he stared into
her eyes, she still seemed sad. Was her new
boyfriend not good enough for her? He needed
to find out more from Lavender, his little spy.
'What?' She widened her eyes.
Ife said nothing. He simply stared at her
beautiful eyes and the seducing glow in them,
then leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss on
her lips.
'Get off of me you brute!' She slapped him and
pushed him away.
'You love me, you still love me' he felt it when
he kissed her.
'You're delusional; you need a medic and fast.
I am in love with my boyfriend so stay away'
she hissed and marched out of the room.
'Alright, have a good day, beautiful one' Ife
felt happy. He wasn't a fool, he knew what he
felt during the brief kiss. He felt hope that
Narissa could actually forgive him and take him
back. But his hope quickly dwindled, it melted
away like a rose underneath the scorching sun
and he was right back to where he started.
As he left the room for his car, he spotted
Narissa kissing a guy. His heart sank as he
rushed out of the area, he couldn't bear to see
another man touching her. Jealousy raged in
him but he couldn't blame any other but
himself. He had been a fool.

To be Continued....

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