A/N My First Wattpad Story! + Intro

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A/N HEYO!  Aria here, and this is my first story on Wattpad so please don't kill me!  However!  I have been writing on Quotev, so feel free to check out my stories over there!  I use the same user name so I shouldn't be to hard to find over there! 

Any who, enough about me!  Let's get to the story! (I'll post a Q and A chapter if you guys want me to!  Just leave a comment or message or something that will notify me of your question!)

I WILL WARN YOU!!!:  This story may not have as much explicit material as other stories, HOWEVER there will be swearing/foul language, innuendos, a few sexual scenes, and other violence, harm etc.  This is a story based around gangs. . .what else do you expect?  Sunshine and rainbows?  Maybe!  But they won't come often.

This story will contain some fluff moments, sad moments, hair tearing moments, and cringing.  If you decide to read this story. . . just remember is was your decision not mine!  (Side Note: If there's anything REALLY bad in a chapter, I'll be putting a WARNING at the beginning)

Now. . .

let's get started shall we? 

*evil grin*

This Thing Called 'Love' {Discontinued}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora