the begging

28 0 5

(Brendon's P.O.V)

I was walking up the stairs going to get my books for my locker then i heard some girls screaming, I wondered why there screaming and whats there deal but i snapped out of that mind state and went to my l0cker to get my books

I walked down to the hallway to go to room 216 aka Spanish class, i entered the room and sat down on my desk filled with doodles of Pepe and that cow from that one cartoon, the class started to begin and i heard the teacher scream attention

"niños tenemos un nuevo estudiante, oh yeah you still don't know Spanish so we have anew student" our teacher said

A young long beautiful skinny boy entered the room, he had brown straight hair looks like he used a straightener, he has wight soft skin, he had nice brown eyes that someone can get lost in, also he had very skinny arms that you could see the bones. he was wearing a nice black sweater and he had a fedora and he on?

"take a seat" the teacher said "also you'll need to buy a blazer from the store" she said also "alright" the cute boy said

the teacher was teaching us some words while everyone wrote them down in our notebook, every 40 seconds I looked at him and admired his beauty "what ya looking at nerd" i heard a voice say, it was that bitch Keltie say to me

"nothing" i said, "ya know he'll never like you back your just a nerd who liked memes and brings a kazoo to school to try to make people laugh but all you do is embarrass your self" she said in a toxic voice looking at me with a judging stare "i don't want to make people laugh, I'm just satisfying my inner self" i said to her she just rolled her eyes and looked away

The class finished and i was going to my computer class "hey can your tell me where is the store?" i heard a voice from behind, i turned around and i saw the pretty tall boy "umm yeah" I responded like an idiot "can you take me"he said "umm sure" i responded and and i took him there

we entered there it was a small shop with all the uniforms and all the supplies we needed like note books, glue, and more. I helped him pick the uniform as all the grades have different uniforms "ok thanks can you wait for me" he said and so i did

he look about 10 minutes on putting on the uniform "can you help me put the pants on" he said i did cause right now the woman who works at the store is not here right now, i entered the changing  room, saw that the pants were to big for him so I went and looked for an other size

i entered again to give him the pants i saw him in his underwear and you could see the good old long  peepee, i wanted that peepee up my ass, it was tantalizing me cause i just met him

"ok thanks you can leave now" and left the store, i went to my computer class and opened  the door "Brandon Boys Urie your late" the teacher said "yeah sorry and its Brendon not Brandon" i went and sat on the table with an old shitty windows computer, I cant even believe this school is so expensive and they don't  want to afford a better computer and not just some windows 5 bull shit 

i sat down and looked for some good old fresh dank memes and the teacher was explaining some computer bull shit that no one cared about. i heard a couple of girls talking about the cute boy i ignored those girls until one of them said "hey i think that kid Brendon likes him" o no they know my secret "BATMAN'S BIG BLACK BALLS" i screamed and the teacher sent me to the office

i went to the office and like always the woman from the office did nothing cause shes an old lady that says I'm such and adorable handsome young man and she gives me chocolate, but today was my lucky day cause she have me a bah of white chocolate from Godiva "awe thanks mrs Andree" i said "no problem i always have chocolate for all of you students"

I went out and I heard the bell ring, time for lunch, i went back to my computer classroom to get my book bag and lunch box. I sat down behind one of the pillars as no one accepts me sitting down next to them. "may i sit next to you" i heard a voice say behind me it was that sexy boy i nodded and he sat down

we talked for a white and i confessed to him that my favorite movie is mean girls, i felt his hand touch my leg, i felt my whole body electrifying and I got butterflies on my stomach "oh sorry i didn't mean to touch your leg" he said "nah its ok" i responded

the bell rung "hey what class do you have next" he said

"umm English" i said "me too" he responded and we both walked together, "YOUR DOING GREAT HONEY KEEP UP WITH THE GOOD WORK" i heard someone screaming "YEAH THANKS" Ryan said back to them

"who was that" i asked "nah it was Hayley" he responded "oh your friends" i asked "yeah we became friends today, i met her at math class oh and im also friends with Sarah" he said "oh" i said

we entered the class and i saw Keltie looking at me with a toxic stare. Me and Ryan sat down next to Sarah and Hayley, we didn't do nothing at class today at the teacher was grading our exams so we just talked for the whole period "so when did you both became friends" Hayley asked "oh we Brendon took me to the store and he saw my underwear and we talked in lunch" Ryan said "wow super gay i love the story that Brendon saw Ryan's dick and how you both look very gay and you'll probably get Brendon pregnant if that's even possible" Hayley said and Sarah giggled 

"i think you you can get a man pregnant cause the male does not have any ovaries also if we end up fucking I'm sure we'll get aids even if i got checked" Ryan said and they laughed, i dont know whats the deal with talking about penetrating my anus, getting me pregnant and getting aids is about but I'm sure this is hella uncomfortable for me

they kept talking and talking and i just commented with some good old memes while Ryan giggled and Hayley just memed back, I did not know Hayley liked memes but ok she also told me her favorite meme is hamood hammod and she doesn't give a fuck if its dead

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––time skip––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

it was the end of the day I was gonna go walk home and I heard someone screamed my name behind me i looked back and it was Ryan waving good bye to me

I've never been so exited to go back to school the next day

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