[1] Huh?. . .

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Areum's POV-
"Unnie, I'll be going now!!! I'll get home late 'cause of dance practice!!!," I yelled at my sister that dropped out of high school. She was homeschooled, but I know for a fact that she did NOT get a good education. . . she was taught by our former neighbors for Pete's sake, and even they didn't know squat about the basics of multiplication! Sometimes I wonder if my sister is acting like a dumbass on purpose. . . "Be safe, Areum Daum!!!,"Seulgi, my sister, shouted back at me.

I rolled my eyes, and practically slammed the door shut. How many times do I have to tell her not to call me that. . . For as long as I could remember, Unnie's been calling me Areum Daum which meant beautiful, and I've told her a million times to stop, but guess what? She doesn't listen!

Do I mind if people call me Areum Daum? OF COURSE! I'm as ugly as a Donkey's ass, and I'm as tall as a fricken' Smurf. I don't appreciate liars!

- - -

Step by step, I made my way downtown, walking fast because I was going to be late for school if I didn't hurry. The school I go to? Just one of the many Arts Schools in South Korea. There's nothing really special about it except for that fact that everyone that had attended, attends, worked, or worked at the school, myself an exception, is a beautiful fucking butterfly! Of course, not all butterfly's are beautiful on the outside AND the inside.

Why am I narrating my life story? . . . I suddenly questioned myself. Shrugging off the fact that I had a mental conversation with myself. . .about myself. . . I finally made it to the gates, after realizing that I had been sprinting for the past 7 minutes.

4 minutes. . .alright, gotta dash!

I returned to sprinting because my first class was on the third floor of the building at the very back of the school, and I managed to their with two minutes to spare! Not gonna lie. . . for someone that doesn't exercise regularly and lives her life as a majestic potato, I'm proud of myself!

"Areum!," my friend Minso waved towards me, motioning for me to come over, and I did just that. "How was your weekend?," she asked me as I sat down on at my desk that was in front of hers.

"Same old, same old," I answered with a shrug, "Nothing too interesting happened. I mean, some people ended up moving into that house across from mine, but that's as interesting as it gets. Oh, and my sister was actually busy this weekend!"

Minso gasped, shocked at the news, "Are you serious?," she interrogated, her eyes practically bulging out of their sockets.

"Yes, now close your mouth, sweetheart you're gonna catch flies," I stated plainly, Minso immediately doing as I told.

"Sometimes I wonder how I'm younger than you," I mumbled as my friend switched to the topic of *shudders* boys.

"You need a boyfriend!," she declared with a huge smile plastered onto her face.

"A boyfriend. . .what's that again?," I cocked an eyebrow, Minso starting to get 'dreamy eyes.' She sighed happily, imagining how life would be with her perfect boyfriend. "Yah, Kim Minso!," I flicked her forehead, and she pouted whilst leaning back in her seat.

"You need to be nicer, Areum. . .," she scolded, "especially to people older than you. I know you skipped a grade, but that is no reason for you to talk informally."

"Psh," I scoffed, "I am nice to people that older me. . .mentally."

*ring ding dong*

Saved by the bell! I joyfully celebrated in my brain, as the teacher came to the front of the room to begin checking if everyone was here,

"Im Ryan?"


"-Jung Jaeyoon?"


"Kang Areum?"

"My presence is a gift!"

Several students chuckled, and I felt Minso flick that back of my head. The teacher sighed, and returned to taking roll.

Several names had passed and she finally reached the 'Park' section. . . we have over ten! TEN PEOPLE WITH THE SAME LAST NAME!!! Like. . .we thought we'd have more Kim's, but apparently our classroom is dominate with children's playgrounds!

"Park Jihoon?"


"Park Woojin?"


The teacher heaved another great big sigh, and marked those two as absent, ending the usual five minutes of roll call.


"I AM FREE!!!!," I stretched at my desk, completing the last class of the day, "Time for dance!," I smiled giddily. The only thing that can make me happy nowadays is music, and dancing. . .also food and Minso, but those are 'no duh's. 

I felt a tap on my should while shoving my beaten text book into my backpack. Seriously, I sometimes think that those books are made once every hundred years. . . I turned around and saw, YooA Unnie, our dance team leader.

"Oh hi, Sunbae," I bowed politely. See, Minso? I can be nice and polite! "Is there something you need?," I asked because it was pretty rare to see a junior college student in a junior high school student's classroom.

"Practice is canceled today, because Mrs. Kahi isn't feeling well."

"Oh, okay. Thank you for telling me," I smiled genuinely at her, "I'll be heading home then!" I grinned brightly, causing YooA Sunbae to chuckle.

"Get home safely, Areum-ah. You're one of our best dancers, and with the annual dance competition happening soon, we need you." "

"Aw~," I cooed, "You spoil me too much, Unnie.~" YooA rolled her eyes playfully, and rustled my hair, making it look like a bird's nest, "Just be careful. And don't get injured, okay?" "Arasso(I understand), Sunbae."

And off I went! Strutting through the open gates of our school like a boss! Another thing that makes my happy: leaving the hell we call school!


"Unnie, I'm-. . .huh?"

A/N SO!. . . What do you think of the story so far?  Leave a comment, vote, or save this in a reading list if you'd like!  I want to see your guys' feedback since this is the first official chapter of the first story I'm writing on Wattpad, so I'm pretty nervous, excited, scared, happy, and worried about what kind of comments will come out for this story.

Anyways, 'till now it's been Aria. . .



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