[2] Wanna-One

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"Unnie, I'm- huh?"

Upon busting the door down, not literrally because my sister WOULD literally kill me, I happened to burst into a . . .'heated' moment of some dude and my sister. . . like. . . What the actuall hell?  To make matter more 'interesting' the guy stared at me funnily giving me a look that said, 'Who in the fucking world are you?'  I know my sister doesn't talk about me much to her coworkers or friends, if she even has any, but it's kinda rude not to mention a sibling to your boyfriend. . .or one night stand. . .

"I'm just gonna go upstairs and work on homework. . .," I stated slowly, realization finally hitting me  on the head with a mallot on what I had just walked in on.  Becoming embarrased quickly, I ran towards my bedroom like Usain Bolt! 


As I sprinted down the hallway towards my beloved bedroom, I ran into another person, knocking both of us down in the process.  "Ow. . .," the voice, it was a male's, groaned.  I looked up, and was about to apologize before different person covered my mouth preventing me from shouting out the name: Park Jihoon. 

The next thing I knew, i was being dragged by this other person into. . .MY BEDROOM?!  OH HELL NAH YOU DID NOT JUST BREAK INTO MY TERRITORY!!!

I bit the guy's hand, and he pulled away from me in pain and disgust, I was about to kick him where the sun-doesn't-shine until I was grabbed by another person.  "OKAY!  How many of you mother fuckers are there?!," I thrashed around in the third person's grasp, but this time his grip was strong, and the second guy tied my wrists together and my ankles together, preventing me to cause anymore damage to them.

"I can't believe you two were struggling over one measily teenaged girl," a different voice from the first two smirked.  I guessed that is wasn't the third guy that was still holding me still since the voice was farther away and not next to my ears.  "Blind fold her," the same voice commanded.  I gritted my teeth together and continued to fight the third guy holding me as Jihoon, that asshole, walk towards me with a blind fold, "Sorry, Areum-shi, but you can't see what we're do-" I kicked him square in 'that' area using the third guy's grip on me as balance to do so.  I saw Jihoon double over in pain, and I gave a dry laugh, and the fourth voice, how many of you are there?!, laughed at his teammate, "Wow, hyung.  Down twice in less than 5 minutes."  "Shut it, Woojin," Jihoon grunted.  Woojin?!  As in Park Woojin?!  What the hell is going on?!

"Let her go."  I looked towards the doorway to my bedroom, and saw the guy that Seulgi was. . .you know. . .and he came closer to me and whoever was holding me.  The guy that I was holding me released me, and pushed me towards the dude who I assumed was the leader.  Key word: Assumed because the next thing that guy did was tell Woojin to call their 'leader,' and inform him about the situation at hand.

The guy that kept barking the orders sat me down on my bed, and bent down to get in the same eye level as me.  "Do you know who we are?," he asked in a calm, yet 'threatening' tone.  I describe it as that since the guy seemed to be more curious about me as opposed to disgusted about my presence in his life. 

"Except for those two student, no," I sassed, gesturing towards the Parks. 

"You go to the same school as those guys?," I turned my head to see that it was the third guy speaking, and I must say that he has to be only a few inches, maybe centimeters, taller than me. 

"Nope!  I just happen to be wearing the same uniform as them," I stated sarcastically.  For some reason or another the two Parks were in our school uniforms even though they didn't attend school. 

"I don't appreciate your sarcasm," the third guy growled at me. 

"And I don't appreciate you presence, so I guess we're both dissapointed in each other," I fired back, these five guys slowly getting on my nerves.

The male in front of me was about to laugh before I tipped him over with my feet.  He glared at me and I rolled my eyes.  "Who are you people, and what are you doing in my house?," I questioned, "Better yet, why the hell were you. . .'doing that' . . .with my sister. . .with five other males in the house with you?  And where is my-"  My eyes widened as the guy in front of my pecked my lips, silencing me in .0003 repeating seconds.  "You ask too many questions," he grumbled getting up and backing away from me. 

"First off:," the male leaned against my desk, and started answering my questions, "We're a subunit gang called 'Wanna-One.'  Our overall group called 101-" "Stupid subunit name, but carry on," I interruped, not being scared of the fact that they are the most well known AND DANGEROUS gang in South Korea. . . I would say the world, but a group of 7 males along with their allies, they're called Behind the Scenes or something, have that position in the bag.

"Second:," third male spoke up, getting irritated with me.  The feeling is mutual, sir. . . I thought bitterly, "Your sister is part of gang subunit called RedVelvet, and their overall group name, SMTOWN, has been threatening our territory and our members." 

"As for your sister," the second guy began, "She's probably de-" Jihoon nudged the dude in the side cutting him off.  My sister?. . . Dead? . . . Why am I not as sad as I should be in this situation?. . . 

"Okay!," Woojin clapped, "Now you can answer some of our questions!" 

"Who said I was gonna do that?," I stated, unphased by what they've told me so far.  Why the hell am I so calm?! 

"You're gonna answer them no matter what," the third guy glared in a threatening voice.  Sighing I signaled them to go ahead with their 'interrogation.'

Second Dude: "Why are you so calm?"

Areum: "I don't know my mind hasn't processed everything properly yet?"

Guy that was with my Sister: "So you had no clue your sister was in a gang?"

Areum: "Nope!  I thought she was just a stay at home potato for the past 18 years of my life!"

Woojin: "Do you know what we have to do to you now that you know us and what's going on?"

Areum: "Shoot me."

Nu'est's 'Yeobosayo' starts ringing and the guy leaning on my desk reached down into his pocket and pulled out his phone.  I raised an eybrow at him, and the male just shook his head.  I decided to lean back and lie down on my bed while contemplating my life choice that had brought me up to this very moment.  How the hell do I explain this to mom and-  '-sister is part of gang unit called RedVelvet.' Great they probably know about all of this. . .

I sighed heavily. 

How do I manage to get myself into these kinds of situations?. . .

- - -

"Come on," the male hung up from the phone.  I was spacing out in my own world, a very important skill I learned in boring classes, so I didn't pay attention to what he was saying during the call.  "We're taking you with us," he told me and I gave him a dead stare in response.  The guy sighed and gestured for the third guy to take off the ties on my ankles, pull me up, and drag me down stairs. 

Now. . . Did I resist?  NO!  I value my life, and I'm only 17!  I don't wanna die before I'm legal! (A/N 19 is the legal age in South Korea I believe)  But did I have a mini movie of myself kicking these guys' asses?. . . Of course!  I may not look it, but I've taken many self-defense classes, and I'm proud to say that I'm a black belt in taekwondo!  That's got to be better than at least one of the Wanna-One guys. (*cough*)

"So. . . Where are you taking me?"

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