Chapter One

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Just Another

Love Story

Before You Read

   This is just a book. A fiction telling of a story of my own design. This book is just another story about the ups and downs of teenage love. If you were looking for a horrific tale filled with ghosts and gore, you’ve found the wrong book. If you were in search of a happy, whimsical tale of magic and fairies and sprites, please don’t read on.

    This is a book about two teenagers who were unlikely to ever even find each other, but do and this is their adventures through life and love.

    If you wanted a book like that, then I have written something you will immerse yourself into and likely base your love-life around this tale once you finish it.

If you’re ready, let’s begin our journey on page 4.

Chapter One

I   am a girl. A teenage girl. Sixteen, in fact. And I am nothing more than a person. I just happen to also appear on television and movie screens. Like most child actors, I always ask of people to look at me as only a sixteen-year-old girl and nothing more. I only just got into this whole acting thing. It did appeal to me when I was little, but I never actually tried to pursue it. Even now it wasn’t entirely me going out of my way to become an actress.      

          About eight months ago, in June of 2013, I was approached. I went to my local mall to just kind of window shop when a man, whom I had never met nor seen before, walked up to me and said “Hello.”

          Now I will admit, that really freaked me out. Quite a bit. I mean, think about it. A complete and total stranger, a mildly older-looking man (my guess was probably in his 40s) walks up to a fifteen-year-old girl in a mall. Horror story in the making.

          So, anyways, back to how I became an actress. “Hello,” from a strange old-ish guy. I remember jumping a little bit (he came up from behind). “I’m sorry if I scared you. But you look familiar to me.”

          I should probably mention that typically, I’m a singer. Not like super-famous like Britney or Beyoncé. But known enough. It’s just me and a couple of my friends. We don’t like, tour or anything. But we do a couple of shows here and there. We release music covers all the time. None of us are talented in the writing-aspect of music life, but we’re pretty alright at singing other people’s songs. This was also new at the time. Only a couple of months out there, but people did enjoy the music.

          “Aren’t you a musician or something?”

          “Uhm…yes. I’m in a cover-group with some friends. Why? Can I help you with something?” I answered.

          “Kathrine, right?”

          “Yes, sir. Kathrine Wright.” (It didn’t occur to me at the time that he was perhaps actually using my full name. Not important, but just a thought.)

          “Kathrine. First off, hello. Secondly, my name is Joshua Lite,” (pronounced Light) “and I’m casting for a movie called Schiz. It’s a movie about a young girl, such as yourself, who suffers from Schizophrenia. I’ve seen a few of your music videos and you are my first choice to play this role.”

          Well. That was a lot to take in all at once. And alone.

          “Uhm…I’m not really sure. I mean, I have to talk to my parents and work out a schedule with school and all that stuff and…” I trailed off.

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