Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Do me a favor though.” That voice. Even after months of talking to him, still getting those little tummy fuzzies. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love it. I just wish they didn’t show so much on the outside. He’s definitely noticed several times…every time. Regardless, he wants an answer here.

          “What?” I’ve gotten good at this playing it cool thing.

          “So, I kind of don’t want people knowing that I’m going to Florida. Not anything like I’m embarrassed to be with you.” Nice save. “Just, I mean, this will be like, our first date, kind of. And I don’t want all those little fangirls there just to, like, maul me, ya know?” Sad. I used to be just one of “those little fangirls”. Thank the Good Lord I’m not anymore. Deep breath.

          “Alright, so…where exactly do I play into this?”

          “Right well, obviously you’ll need to ask your parents to go with me, and just…uhm…could you just not tell them it’s me you’re going with?”

          “I can’t even tell my parents?” My eyes probably showed a bit more surprise than I meant.


          “Well, then, what do I tell them?”

          “Just, like, tell them my name is Toby.” Back story time. Toby is the first name of a character Drew is playing in a movie that comes out in about a year and a half. Clever.

          “Fine. I will ask my parents if I can go with ‘Toby’ and his family to Disney World,” I said tiredly. It was late.

          “Thank you.”



          “Who is Toby and his family?” I replied with a smile.

          “Oh, come on. And you call yourself a fangirl?”

          “Hey! Hurtful. I know that it’s a character. Der der der,” I said in a mocking tone. “I mean, my parents don’t know a Toby. They are gonna be all like, Who the fuck is Toby? Like naw.” Ghetto little me.

          “Oh, my bad. Uhm…just say I’m new at school…err something.” I laughed and scoffed a little at the same time. This is a bit ridiculous.

          “Fine. I will ask my parents if I can accompany my new friend from school Toby and his family to Disney World in two Saturdays from this next one. Sound good?”

          “Perfect.” He smiled and the fuzzies came back out. I’m sorry but it’s just so darn charming and gorgeous and perfect and…yeah.

          I cannot even begin to tell you how ridiculously slow the next two weeks went by. I swear by the time a week normally would have gone by, I had only gotten through the first Monday.

          However, on a brighter note, my parents agreed to let me go to Disney. I mean, we get annual passes every year and they don’t even have to drive me. What’s the big burden on them? Nothing; and they knew that. Plus it helped them sleep well at night knowing it wasn’t just me and some boy I just met. His entire family is going. And he has two little baby sisters so odds are, I’m gonna be babysitting while they go on a lot of the rides. Which, I don’t mind.

          At first they were a little reluctant because of money. They were all, “We don’t have any money to give you for food or anything so I don’t think it’s the best time.” But aha. I saved all the money I got from those two movies I did (I spend the money I get from singing. That stuff is free game.) so I told them I had plenty of money to cover my own personal stuff and HA! Disney World, here I come!

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