[3] Wanna-One Crash Course!

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None them responded, and cursed under my breath, silently hopping they'd get hit by a truck.

The five males lead me outisde, and the typical black van you see in spy movies was outside on the driveway.

"Wow. . .," I mumbled, "Unique gang vehicle. . ."

"Just shut up and get in," the second guy groaned, and practically threw me into the car. He climbed in along with the other 4, with one of them, the guy that 'did it' with my sister- okay actually. . . I don't know if he actually 'did it' with my sister. . . all I know is that I saw my sister half dressed and the guy's shirt unbuttoned all the way, but anyways back to my narration- sitting in the front.

"I thought you said that no one was going to be their other than that, bi- female dog," the driver stated, annoyance clear in his voice. He almost said 'bitch'. . . I glanced at the front mirror, and saw him eye Jihoon and Woojin. These guys are in a gang yet their leader won't curse in front of them? . . . For the 'most dangerour gang' in South Korea, at least they morals? I questioned to myself.

"That's what we all thought, Hyung," Jihoon sighed running a hand through his beautifu- Okay snap out of it, Areum! I mentally scolded myself. "If it helps," I spoke up, "I was supposed to have dance practice today, but it was cancelled. You guys should really check up on those details every now again if they can screw up your plans this badly." "Don't tell us how to do our job," the second guy gave me a 'shut up' look. "Well too late! I already did!," I retorted back giving him the middle finger.

"How are you not terrified right now?," the driver asked, looking at the mirror to see me.

"How do I explain this. . .," I trailed off thinking of a way to explain my 'calmness' to them, ". . .Well for starters. . . You all seem really young, and they way you talk and express you emotions show that. Now matter how much you threaten me whether it be a gun or a knife, you guys are just regular young adults like me. And with that in mind, Jihoon and Woojin can be in a gang at their age, what is there to say about me? I could be in a gang too, and I could've lied to the five of you in my house just to get info on you all." I let what I said sink in before continuing.

"Plus, if my intuition is correct, you're taking me to your base? If I was the enemy, and I had a tracking devise somewhere on my person, you would be very much exposed,." I leaned back in my seat, "I don't care if you guys have been professionally trained assissins, or psycopathic killers. If I was in a gang right now, you five would be de-" "SHUT UP!," Woojin roared at me, scarying me for a split second, but only a split second.

I smirked at my classmate in amusement, "What? Embarrassed that a mere teenage girl could've foiled your plans?" "That's enough, Areum," Jihoon said sternly. I rolled my eyes and decided to shut up, but only because I could feel the tension in the car grow.

After a few minutes of silent travel, the driver spoke up, "Jisung."

"Pardon?," I asked, questioning his single worded phrase.

"My name is Yoon Jisung," he finished in a complete sentence. My English teacher would be so proud of him! I thought sarcastically.

"Hyung, what ar-"

"It's okay," Jisung sighed, "She's going to be valuable to us. . . I can tell we're going to be needing her alive in the near future. Since that is the case, she can at least know our names."

He glanced at the mirror again to look at me, "The one in the front seat with me is Daniel. You already know Jihoon and Woojin. The shorter of the two you don't know is Sungwoon, and the taller one is Gualin. There's six more of us that you'll meet at our base. The eleven of us, as Daniel has told you, are called Wanna-One; meaning: one of one/acting as one/chosen as number 1. We are 101's elite male team. There's a female elite team as well called I.O.I, but we rarely work with them."

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