Im concerned

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Soo once again this is not a chapter but a concerne WAIT before you leave I just want to say this
Have you noticed the clouds? Now I don't know wether this is just in Australia but me and my family have seen jet planes that are letting out chem trails and those clouds you see aren't clouds. If your in Australia have you noticed it's not very warm even though it's spring it was ment to be 20 degrees Celsius today and it was still quiet cold. The clouds look like fairy floss (cotton candy) and they Don't move anymore I mean what's with that clouds have always moved now they don't? Anyway I tried searching up chem trails and the wiki page said this is related to UFO's to cut it short. I'm actually really worried about this so is my family and even some of my friends. So readers of my horrid book I would like for you to have a look at the sky and the clouds and comment in this if they look "normal" or if they look fake.

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