Chapter 1/ Part 1

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It was just another normal day, me chilling in the bed of my brother's pickup when i had gotten a call from a voice that didn't seem human but it was a secure line. He told me that we wanted me to do a hit and he said it might be close to where I was. He offered a million dollars and that's an offer i couldn't refuse. "Ok Chris we got a job we need to do." He nodded, i hopped in from the back window and we drove off to get to the place.

"Ok where'd you say he would be?" I heard mostly static but what are you gonna do when your trying to stay on a secure channel? He told me the target'd be at the corner of astel rd so After I told Chris where to go, I posted up on a building and set up my rifle. I told him to stay behind the building while i wait for 'em to come out.

The target walked out with a phone in hand and i saw that he was wearing a Rolex. "I see 'em I'm taking the shot." I dialed in my scope, closed the redicle on 'em and rested my finger on the trigger. I pulled it and not a moment passed when I saw the blood splatter out the back of his head.

I pulled up my bipod and hopped off the building. I called my brother and he pulled up in his pickup. I told him to drive up to the body so we could get rid of it and he did. We dragged his body into the bed with blood still pouring out of his chest, i took the watch off 'em and broke the phone. After i closed the bed and i jumped into the cab we drove off to a remote location.

We drove up to a nearby abandoned dirt road and saw one of the old water companies that had been abandoned what seemed centuries ago. "Bro back up against the fence and ill put his body in the Truck." 

We drove up to the building, disposed of the body then drove off to our collage campus. 

[Fast Forward 3 Hours]

We arrived at the front gate after hitting a car wash. (Don't want the truck to smell like blood.) Nobody was there so we just scanned our IDs and drove right in. 

After about 2 minutes of getting the rifle out of the trunk and moving it into the dorm we could finally take a break.

"Jobs done and another million in our pockets. We split it 60/40." I wired the cash into his bank acount and we both went on with our day. "Dude we should go to that part Krystal is having tomorrow i heard some of the seniors are bringing moonshine." My eyes widened at the thought of it...I was tempted buuuuut i had some studying to do for a test that i'm gonna have next week and if i flunk this one i'm screwed. "Sorry man i got finals coming up and i don't feel like failing because of some party that some girl is having." He looked at me with the "you know you want to" face. I shrugged em off and went on with my studying. "OK your know you like Krystal, you just don't wanna admit it." He had that smug look on his face that made me wanna punch him in it. "I'm gonna tell you this for the thousandth time, I...Do Krystal, bring it up again and your paying for the next load of ammo i go through at the range and you know that costs a lot." That was a lie i don't go threw enough ammo...or good enough quality ammo to be honest to cost me more that a hundred bucks but he doesn't know that.

We exchanged a few death glares but he walked out and i ordered another pack of rounds for my mosin negant. (Model 90/31...its the only un-modified one with a scope also the bipod wiggled a lot so i could have missed that shot.) "It costs freaking dirt for this stuff." I heard someone say over my shoulder. I turned around to see Krystal looking at my computer watching what i was doing. I jumped so high that i fell out of my seat and banged my head against the wall. "Good Jesus Krystal how many times have i told you not to sneak up on me like that." She had the nicest smile and had a slightly manacle giggle when she said sorry and helped me back up." We've been friends since middle school and..well she doesn't know i kill for a living but she knows after every other Friday i buy a new box of bullets and eventually a new gun and when i do that i check to see her licence is up to date and if it is i'd give her one that i didn't need.

We went on a walk around campus since it was a Friday and school was out there weren't many students around although the stupid jocks were out playing a game of football and nearly breaking their own teams knees. "damn if i could put a bullet in their heads i would." I mumbled as we walked by. The team captain had once dated Krystal and she dumped him for punching me in the face at one of her parties which...i didn't think she would do i thought she would just yell at 'em. "So Joe, you Goin to the party tomorrow?" I shock my head no but then my worst fear came out, she made the puppy-dog eyes. "Please? for me?" Ugh i don't like it when she uses my only weakness against me. "Ugh fine i'll go but just for an hour or two. I got a test to study for."

Her face lit up and we went on talking. My phone started ringing and i told her to go on without me. I answered my phone and it was another call for a job. "I need you at the tunnel on tunnel road. Use your knife i need the body in tact." I told him my price and he made it happen. I got a notification on my laptop later that day saying that i have 500k added to my bank account. I gave em a call back and told em i'll have a picture of the body when the job is done. "Ok where we gonna meet up for the hand-off? the dinner? isn't that a little open for a body exchange?" He told me he had a friend who could make a diversion so we would be clear. "Aright ill see you there on Monday." Ask i hung up the phone i turned around to see Krystal Looking me strait in the eye with fear in her face. "What are you doing on Monday?!?!" Ahhhh crap.

Thanks for reading, Big thanks to my friend For convincing me to write this story. She will be writing chapter 2 and 4 in the perspective of Krystal, just wanted to say that if there was any confusion. 

Thanks my friends for reading and ill be writing.

P.S. What would you categorize this? I am bad with categories aright don't judge me. Also the cover will be made soon we just need to decide on one.

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