𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝓾𝓮 : 𝓣𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓗𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱

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"It wasn't my fault it is her's! Don't you get what I mean? She was crossing the road without looking right and left" Taehyung yelled and mumble at the end of his sentence. He was exasperated when his friends decided it was a great idea to use "mental abuse" as a method against him.

"How come it is not your fault? Your car struck her Taehyung! Don't you get it?! Get yourself together dude" Jhope snapped. He felt annoyed to deal with his friend, Taehyung.


There was one high school, Jaeguk to be exact, that only allows the elite inside the school. Students who could not afford this place was easily turned down unless they were lucky to survive on a scholarship, but coming across those were very rare for most poor and middle-classes. Rich students ran the school and by rich kids, there was a group of specific adolescent boys that were, by far the elite, and so-called- 'highest-ranking' teens in the social ladder; BTS.

One member, in particular, Taehyung, happens to be the son of a man who owns the school. Of course, he's the brains behind his gang; a kingta. Anybody would be crazy for trying to break his perceptions of this school he rules with an iron fist.

The bell finally rang, signalling the end of class. The teacher announced his class dismissal as he took the time to gather his pupils' homework. As he took the sheets of paper one by one, each of his students smiled and thanked him; they were glad to have an instructor like him teach them in class.

"It's recess time, are you still bringing your extra food? Let's go and grab some snacks to eat" GaYoung said when she saw her best friend, Song Ah Ra struggles searching her homemade food in her bag.

Her best friend just moved here about a month ago and of course, she knew about BTS, but there was one Kingta she kept her eye on the most; Kim Taehyung. He's nineteen years old, about the same age as Ah Ra and for some odd reason, they always ended up being in the same class together and that always drove her insane just thinking about it. She doesn't want to have anything related to him after hearing those maybe rumors or facts about him that obviously everyone knew it were not so good.

Kim Taehyung was not just any normal classmate to Ah Ra. He was a jerk with a bad attitude about everything. AhRa knew this school was not for her and she could say she almost hates attending here, but the option was not completely up to her since both of her parents forced her into achieving a scholarship she was not even interested in achieving! Her father owns a store, which would means he is a businessman but does not seem to earn enough at the table on paydays. Plus, her mother is a housewife. There were not much to say about her family and her family background. If anyone had the guts to ask, she would reply, "Figure it out".

She has an ex-boyfriend now. A few arguments here and there led her to broken-heartsville. She has a sister too but the only person Ah Ra would like to talk to that always seems to cheer her up when she is feeling down would be her best friend, GaYoung.

"Why are you always like that?" She heard someone asks; her spirits fell, putting her in a bad mood.

Jerk, Ah Ra thought to try her best not to roll her eyes in front of person that being rude to her.

"Like what?" Ah Ra asked. She hates to start an argument over something stupid, but she hates GaYoung's attitude right now.

GaYoung scoffed and replied with pursed lips, "You're daydreaming right now Ah Ra. One minute I'm talking to you and in the next, you're not even listening! It gets frustrating, especially since I was speaking to you for like ten minutes Ah Ra!"

As GaYoung eyed her friend, Ah Ra smiled and replied, "I'm sorry I zoned out again GaYoung. Please forgive me?"

AhRa and GaYoung continued their conversation, with Ah Ra somehow still managing to zone out now and again as her friend spoke, until one of the BTS members by the name of Jungkook announced loudly in front of the entire school body, "Attention everyone! Kim Taehyung wants to make an announcement!" He turned his head so he could face his hyung and nodded with a grin.

Taehyung smirked and announced, "Party at my house tonight! Everyone is invited. No exceptions!"

After Taehyung's short speech, mumbles and whispers started abruptly followed by fangirling squeals, the kind of fangirl squeals that annoyed Ah Ra.

Shit, Ah Ra sighed, obviously annoyed by the idiotic banter surrounding her.

"Araaaa~" GaYoung cooed, earning an annoyed scoff from her friend.

I knew it, she's going to drag me there! Damn Taehyung!

She's only been attending this school for a month and she's already getting dragged to Taehyung's house. Again. No matter how many times she tried thinking it through, to keep it as logical as possible, but in the end, she could not help but conclude that Taehyung was only throwing a huge party to show off his mansion, to tell everyone that he's so powerful over everyone which led to conclude, 'dare to mess with him, you'll know what's coming' vibe. AhRa rolled her eyes, knowing that had to have been the real reason for the party in the first place. There was also the possibility of screwing a good majority of the female students at her school because Kim Taehyung was also a playboy! AhRa would always ask herself where  Taehyung's dignity and morals were but realised that his dignity and morals were never really there. He was rich; he was probably never taught about those.

Her friend GaYoung is a very social-updated girl. GaYoung was always following the trends and she did not just befriend anyone. She always had some kind of standards. It always sort of made Ah Ra wonder why she chose her to be her friend.

I closed my eyes while I bit my lips together before I work up the courage to look at her and ask, "GaYoung- ah, do we have to go to his house? It's too boring, there's nothing to do, and I'm already used to watch people dance like they're insane."

She smirked and replied, "You know what, the only reason why you're saying it's boring is that you never do anything! All you do was sit there and watch people. Why don't you just have some fun for once in your life?"

I make a duck face and sighed, waiting for a second or two before I ask, "Is the party not complete without me GaYoung-ah?"

GaYoung smiled and put her arm around my shoulder. "Nope, it's not complete without you. You are the one who fills the light there. You are the one who--"

"Stop, stop, stop being a cheesy girl, GaYoung" I laughed, slightly cringing from her cheesy phrases.

"You are going; I will arrive at your house at 8.00 p.m to fetch you." She demanded, giving Ah Ra her 'You're not getting out of this one' kind of look.

AhRa sighed. There was absolutely no hope for her. GaYoung mean business and when GaYoung means business, that means nothing could change her mind.

                                                               To Be Continued

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