𝓦𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓭

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Chapter 2

Flashback End

After he calls his private doctor came to his house and clean the bleeding, he continues his sleep as nothing happened.

Without thinking about the reasons to tell the doctor what is this about instead, he just thanks and let the doctor go.

He is too sleepy to think what the reasons are and felt lazy to tell what happened. He only just hopes that the doctor won't tell his parents since he was a new private doctor in his house and he is not a busybody type. He only can hope.

Too tired to think and tell some sort of creating reasons. It is bedtime.


Shit!! I felt that pain in my hips. Too hurt. But it will not be compared with my hurt pride. I saw my grey dress look horrible with a kind of dirt on my hips' part.

I shook my head then take a gaze into Taehyung's eyes while the other is laughing like they are going insane.

I stand up and said.

"How dare you do that to me huh, Taehyung!!" I wipe my tears is tearing to my cheek.

Taehyung smirk then said,

"How dare? How don't I dare to do that to you? It's all mine. All my areas. And how dare you disturb and said that to my girls" he raises his eyebrow.

I nodded in cynics.

"Your girls, oh you mean your minions? Get rid of them all!! Damn," I could see the minions came and hug him while cheering to him as a good job.

I was planning to slap him and get out of here as soon as possible before GaYoung come and interrupt.

"Hey, Taehyung. Take easy bro. Calm down. That's not your attitude." she said in a calm mood.

"Let's go to the other place to have some fun. Some fun place. It's hot here" Taehyung said while hugging them around their shoulder.

"Yeah, I know what you want," said one of them.

"Hey, I'm not finished talking to y..." I want to say and finish my sentences when GaYoung interrupts me with a glass of wine.

"Shutt, forget it and realize your tension with this wine" GaYoung give me the glass.


It's been a long time since I'm drinking. I know it's not good for health that's why I'm not drinking that kind of thing now but...

A glass, why not for today?

I grab the glass then drink as fast as thunder.

But, you know...

The glass might be many of glass. That's happened to AhRa. She couldn't take only one glass cause of her stress but many of the glass could do.

"Hahahaha, that's my girl, AhRa! Enjoy your party!" GaYoung said to me while walking away from me to her other friends.


I drank. I drink too much. I glare time at my watch. It's ...

I could read the clock...

Argh! What is this??

Ahh, it is 3.30 in the morning. I see. All of sudden, she laughing like a crazy girl. It's 3 a.m and I'm still here. Wouldn't my mom furious? My eyes are getting heavy, I must go back to my house. Where is GaYoung? Ahh, forget about her, she is with her friends. And I don't have friend except her. I laugh again. Such a pathetic girl am I, isn't I?

I finally succeed get out of the house and start to walking slowly to my house with my walking posture is not too right.

While I'm walking alone, before I could pass the road to my house, one car has crash my body makes my head could think straight and I'm going to faint. It's dark, I don't remember anything.

Flashback End

Taehyung POV

Hugh! So refreshing. Taehyung's thought while his hands are up in the air.

Where are we last night, huh ~

He smirks when his head is thinking of the girls last night in his bed. Taehyung slowly touches his head to remember what happened last night.

Bought the gang to Jungkook's house and...


"How come it's not your fault? Your car is crashing her body! Don't you get what I want to say?!"

Flashback End

All of a sudden Taehyung's brain processes perfectly when he remembers what did happen last night. His posture changed as he wider his eyes and starts to make sure if it was a dream.

He wears his home shoes while running down to the staircase.

He shakes his head when he looks at a girl who is sleeping on the sofa.

He closes his eyes while trying to remember, the doctor, car, crash.

Argh! Why would this happen to me instead?!

What I'm going to do!

He slowly approaches the girl.


This girl! The girl that I...


"How dare you do that to me huh, Taehyung!!" she wipes her tears that were tearing down her cheeks.

I smirked then said,

"How dare? How don't I dare to do that to you? It's all mine. All my areas. And how dare you disturb and said that to my girl" I raised my eyebrow.

Flashback End

All of the entire girls that attended last night, why must her?! I don't know what type is she. Is she accepting my money if I give her and settle it down?

Or, I can't think if it's otherwise.

I trying to get close and knell beside her. I shake her body to wake her up.

"Hey, hey, wake up. Tell me your address, so that I can send you home. Before my parents are..."

His sentence interrupted by one of the maids came and tell him something that he couldn't bear to hear.

"Young Master, your parents are home!! What are we going to do with this girl?"

To Be Continued

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